Kai Ken sick of cats t-shirt???

edited June 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
i don't quite understand this t-shirt. is there a trait about kai kens and cats that i don't know about?



  • Hmmm that's a pretty lame t-shirt. The kai puking?

    Not sure about the cat thing. Koda loves cats. He is so sensitive that he looks out for Chanel and makes sure she's ok throughout the day. Mei hates Chanel, but then again Mei hates any other animal who gets attention from her humans.
  • That is weird T shirt. lol
  • I think it's just one of those things they do for every breed and it's probably just referring to the idea that dogs in general don't like cats.

    That shirt is gross.
  • It is kind of gross. Wierd to see a Kai Ken tee anyway, but such a wierd one....huh.
  • That is a very weird t-shirt. lol
  • Weird t-shirt. The dog outline to me says shepherd not Kai.
  • Weird t-shirt... O_o other than Kaï can hates cats... lol
  • My neighbor got me a bumper sticker that says Got Kai Ken? I'm such a geek. I've never put a bumper sticker on my car, but I just might.
  • okay... odd.
    Kai Ken bumper sticker, I've got a Shiba outline oval stickerthing for my Jeep but I haven't put it on yet. I've also got a "Surrender the Booty" one that I haven't put on either. I'm reluctant to put stickers on it since I want to paint it a different color. It's current color is... lame.
  • I was thinking the window. Maybe I have to check CA laws.
  • I made a "bumper stick" which is just a piece of paper I taped in the window of the car. It says "Shibas Rule" and has a pic of Toby.
  • I can design that in cafepress if you want me to.
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