Miisan Kennels

edited August 2011 in Akita (秋田犬)
Can anyone give me a status on Missan Kennels? inu.com is no longer in service and I was wondering if I can call them or arrange a meeting to tour their kennel, which I believe is still in Tampa.



  • edited September 2011
    So I got a hold of Donald from Miisan and we exchanged emails. They have plans to have a litter in winter time so I know they are still here :)

    If anyone knew the founder of Miisan, Michael Sanders, he passed away a few years ago. I may visit and I'll provide spam of the akitas.
  • Can't wait to see pictures. Sorry Michael Sanders passed away. =\
  • I hope you do post pictures if you visit. That's sad that the founder passed away.
  • Glad to hear he is going to start breeding again :) Their dog Ryou is a gorgeous JA!
  • Keep us posted on your visit and the kennels!
  • That's cool. Did Donald mention if they were breeding pure JA? I heard that they were going to try to. In the past they had blends.
  • He just told me he is unsure if he is going to breed because of the remodeling and the lost if his partner. I'll keep you guys updated though.
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