Tamaskan dog confusion.

edited August 2011 in Other Breeds
So I was looking up these dogs and was about to send an email to Tarheel Tamaskans... A breeder in North Carolina. I thought they were a reputable breeder but found they were breeding dogs with hip dysplasia without running tests to check the health before breeding.


I then tried to look up the reason why right puppy kennels still are able to call their dogs tamaskan wolfdogs and found this..


Thats absolutely sickening what they are doing... Especially the paypal on the site.

So my dilemma... I have no idea what information I can trust or which breeders. I signed up on http://www.tamaskan-forum.com/ but that was associated with the supposed hoax site.

Any information on the truth would be greatly appreciated.


  • First off, don't believe that tamaskantruth.com site, that is a site supposedly made by Right Puppy Kennel in an attempts to deface Tamaskan breeders since those breeders were forming a lawsuit against him. The lawsuit is because not only is RPK mistreating their dogs, but also misrepresenting his dogs, cross breeding with other breeds and using the Tamaskan name without permission. If you really look through that site, you'll see that to says that all Tamaskan breeders are bad except for Right Puppy Kennel.

    If you really want to see if Tarheel is really breeding dogs with HD, contact them and ask for OFA scores. A third party rarely knows more than the people actually breeding the dogs.

    Anyways, I'm not exactly sure why you are asking about Tamaskans on a forum focusing on Nihon Ken. You'd be better off talking to Tamaskan people on a Tamaskan forum. In short though, never go with RPK, they are not a reputable Tamaskan or shiba breeder.
  • Yeah, that tamaskantruth.com is a load of bull crap. Basically stay away from that website and RightPuppyKennel.

    From the little research I've done on the breed (considered tamaskans at one point way back), the only legitimate breeders are the ones registered with the Tamaskan Dog Register.
  • edited August 2011
    I just wanted to learn about the breed, but have no idea which sites to utilize. I also am unsure about the breed forums because of their possible association with right puppy kennels... They have ad bots patrolling some of the forums. I know some of our members have done research so I decided to ask about the breed under the "other breeds" section.
  • The forum admin posts about off-breeds all the time, what's wrong with Zinja doing the same?
  • As long as we can stick to breed education and keep opinions of breeders as limited yet educational as possible without getting emotional about it, I would think we should be fine, but ultimately that would be up to the admins.

  • As an admin, I personally have no objection to someone asking about Tamaskans. I know that people get very passionate about them, and often have strong opinions. Bust as long as everyone plays nice in the sandbox and keeps things civil I see no issue.

    As a rule of thumb, if you are not comfortable saying something to someones face, than refrain from typing it. That seems to work for most.
  • It's true, I do post about other breeds from time to time. :oP

  • Sorry if I may have offended you with the last part of my post. I guess what I was more going for was that you may not find very much info here about Tamaskans and would find more talking with people who are involved with the breed.
  • Okay...wikipedia's not the best source for information for things such as this, I've always wondered this: Is the Tamaskan breed a recent invention/re-creation by man or is it a dog breed with an established history older than the last 50 years?

  • It's not a very old breed, and is a derivative of another breed, the utonagan. Checking TDR, the official international Tamaskan Registry, they have a lengthy description of how the breed came to be:

    Looks like They've been around for only approximately 20-30yrs.
  • Beth,
    I read and re-read the first 2 paragraphs of that page and even the utonagan itself was a mix of breeds. This statement then sums up the original mission as to the rationale of this breed's existence?

    "The first dogs to start the ball rolling, leading to the Tamaskan Dogs of today, came over from America in the 80’s. These 5 dogs were imported into UK and described as husky type dogs – origins unknown. These dogs were then bred to Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and German Shepherd crosses – origins unknown - with the idea in mind of creating a dog that resembled the wolf but with a good temperament, thus being suitable as a family dog, foremost with working ability."

  • The breed was originally created to make a dog that looked like a wolf without adding wolf content in. They basically mixed several wolfy looking breeds and after a few generations, they have what you see now. The Tamaskan was a branch off of the Utonagan, as there was a disagreement on what the standard should be.

    Even though some may think this a silly reason to start a breed, I find it as another way to keep people from buying wolf-dogs without having the knowledge of properly caring for them.
  • Even though some may think this a silly reason to start a breed, I find it as another way to keep people from buying wolf-dogs without having the knowledge of properly caring for them.

    I agree with this 100%. I would much rather people buy a Tamaskan than a wolfdog.
  • That makes sense to me too. Never thought of it that way, and it's a good way to look at it. My mother had wolf hybrids. Not a good idea.

    I saw one of these dogs, or one of the other wolfy looking "new" breeds in Germany recently. It was an interesting looking dog.

  • i just happened to come across this and its a subject im pretty knowledgeable about... a friend of mine in Croatia breeds tamaskans (the right way) and so ive had a bit of insight as to what is going on.

    Tamaskan Truth is made by Right Puppy, although Kevin of RPK denies it, its very obvious, as the website refers to RPK as basically the ONLY reputable tamaskan kennel, where all the others are regarded as irresponsible, horrible kennels... the TDR do have a class action lawsuit against him for the website, as it is slanderous to the breeders as well as the fact that the images he used are stolen from their website and facebook profiles. furthermore, its a joke what is written there, the stories are so far-fetched that its almost funny.

    RPK is a disgrace to the breeding community. they inbreed their dogs and cross-breed for ridiculous crosses. im sure people on this forum can appreciate this fact after hearing about the Tamaskan-Shiba Inu cross. one puppy survived out of the litter and i still have not heard anything about the mother (the shiba). this is sickening to me.

    RPK is only breeding for the money they get out the two high-demand breeds. many of their tamaskans are not even purebred, many are wolfdogs. his OFA results have been taken off the OFA website as he falsified his dogs age in order to get a clean OFA result. his documents are also falsified, pedigrees are for the wrong dogs, and he bred an epileptic dog multiple times. he breeds his dogs well before they are even 2 years old and breed every heat cycle (all of this is proven just by visiting his website). he has dozens of litters a year and all dogs are kenneled away from the family. RPK is a puppymill at its worst.

    here is a link to a facebook page with a lot of information on RPK. a lot of it is pictures of the facility and proof of his lies and unethical breeding practices, there are also many statements from an old business partner. there are many many threads started from people who purchased a pup from them and regretted it, with examples as to why. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Commercial-Breeding-of-Tamaskan/157642164261130

    i hope this helps a bit. i dont like dissing a breeder so badly, but this guy is one of the worst breeders i have come across and i just cant imagine someone getting a dog from this man =/
  • wow. A couple of weeks ago I was driving through Chattanooga TN and saw a woman walking what I thought was a wolf down one of the main road. Could it have been tamaskan? or is there another breed that looks enough like a wolf too fool me? I do know several people that have had wolf hybreds so that's why I know it was something different.
  • edited October 2011
    this site http://tamaskan-forum.com/index.php isn't with a hoax site it's the site the reputable breeders created and use it's a great place to learn more about the breed. Defiantly stay away from the "American Tamaskan" sites it was a "breed" created by RPK
  • I went to the Facebook site...I just can't believe how heartless people can be. It makes me sick. I had to close the tab before I started bawling at my desk.
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