Be careful what you wish for!



  • I hate to butt in, but you know what... It really is a testament to this forum that 3 people getting pups from the same litter are coordinating their pick-up so they can actually meet each other in person. :-D

    I hope that you guys can all coordinate to meet up. Just remember to take LOTS of pictures! :)

    Good luck, and congrats in advance on getting your pups!
  • I was thinking the same thing, Casey! Take pics everyone, and congrats to you all!
  • we've got a great community on these forums!
  • Congrats! I am really curious to see what this litter looks like a few months down the road; and again at a year or so, considering how much some Shikoku change over their first year. I also want to see who gets the one with more lighter coloration; his 'chill' attitude made him one of my favorites. I wish I had paid attention a bit earlier; could have timed my trip to coincide and meet some fellow forum members and Shikoku fans. Regardless, looking forward to lots of spam, and some great before and after shots down the road a ways...
  • did u just visit the pups recently?
    thats too bad we all didnt get to meet at the same time, however we are all meeting katja on the 16th in nanaimo if you can make it!

  • I'm so happy for all of you. It's neat to have siblings on the forum. I like watching Koda's sister grow up. It's always fun.
  • What would be a better testament to how much shikoku can change over a year than watching five nearly identical pups grow? It's so neat.

    @cmpteki It's too bad we missed you. We kind of all just "fell" on the same day, though.
  • @jikjak - I was at Katja's for the better part of a day this past weekend; Sept 4th. The trip is quite a long one for me; 21hrs one way thanks to accidents and construction this last time round.

    @BradnJess - Agreed, I can't wait to see how they turn out; not to mention, even once they have established a dominant color, 'coat in' vs 'coat out' they can look like a completely different animal.
  • ooh do u have some pics to post?
  • @cmpteki We do not yet know which pup will be our pup, although even if Katja did send us a picture, they all look quite similar as far as we can tell from a photo. We live in Prince George and if you get the oppurtunity you are more than welcome to come and visit us and Kimi's son so you can see how he changes as he grows.
  • @jikjak - You've likely already found them; however, in case you missed them, I tossed a link to a public facebook album in your puppy picture thread, along with a download link to a short video compilation.

    @BradnJess - The pups are quite similar, though there are enough differences in person to tell them apart; pay attention to the nose and the paws...that is where most of the subtle differences show. The 'chill' pup that I liked showed more light coloration than the rest. It was pretty cool to play with all the pups on a few occasions; there are three that are exactly what one would expect, then there is the laid back pup, and the obvious alpha of the litter...he took all of his queues form Kimi; if soemthing caught her attention and she perked to go check it out, one pup was right beside her, tail up and trotting, etc, even putting his paws up on the fencing in the same manner as his mother, very cool, though unfortunately not on camera, as I was playing them out in anticipation of taking some photos when they were a little less rambunctious. :) And thanks for the offer; Prince George is only 5hrs away, well, can be up to 7hrs with the current construction after all the slides in the pass, but definitely close enough for the odd visit. It would be great to meet up with some other Shikoku fans; not to mention, I could bring Kimi along for a mini reunion. :)
  • edited September 2011
    I'm wondering if u can tell which pup I chose when u last saw them and if so, can u tell me what u observed regarding his personality?
  • edited September 2011
    We are also very curious as to which pup is to be ours, and if you know anything of his personality/behaviour. We get the last of the litter and can hardly wait for Friday to come.
  • edited September 2011
    havent the others picked theirs already?
    maybe katja knows which one is yours by now

    3 more days! yee ha!
  • I'm so excited for you guys...All of you HAVE to take TONS of pictures and share them here.
  • Not sure if the others have chosen their pups yet. I assume they must have but have received word from Katja. Doesn't really matter if we see a picture of our pup as there are only a few days left!!!! Yeah yeah!!!! Just can't help the curiosity hahaha.
    @Calia Oh no need to worry, Jess will likly wear the camera out with photos of our boy.
  • Based on the date I am expecting a few new named threads with plenty of Shikoku puppy spam. Bring on the cuteness!
  • totally agree, where's all the puppy spam:)
  • some pics should be appearing soon. unfortunately i forgot my slr as i was in a rush yesterday morning.
    ill be taking a bunch of pics soon though.

    the pups are doing great and i was able to meet bradnjess and eljefespeaks as well!
    one pup was already picked up by a person in wa state and the other pup that is still with katja is going to vegas!
    that leaves 3 more males in bc with 2 of them in the vancouver area.

    weighed my nameless pup yesterday at 11.2lbs and hes about 7.5weeks old.
  • We need shikoku pup pics! :D
  • alright @jikjak and @eljefespeaks. @BradnJess have fulfilled their obligatory fuzzy potato spam. Where's yours? :-)

  • @CrimsonO2 I'll try to start a Kuma post soon to post some pics of the pup. Life as a single dad of Kuma has been pretty crazy so I really haven't had much extra time nor been on the forums much.
  • congrats with your shikoku puppy!! we are also expecting a shikoku puppy soon from : van de egmato in holland
    will be looking forward to some pictures..
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