The Shiba Inu Forum is down - I'm working on it.

edited September 2011 in General
FYI - The Shiba Inu Forum crashed, no idea why or what cause it. I'm working to fix it, but it my mean an upgrade to the new forum software (like this site) which will require a lot of time - and that's something I don't have today. So, it may be down for a few days.




  • Ahh. I had wondered if it was just me. But no worries, we all know that you have a lot going on right now (PUPPIES!). So take your time.
  • Yeah, take your time, no need to rush. But thanks for trying to get it up! I always appreciate the stuff you do for this community.
  • I wonder if there will be a surge of shiba members joining nkf.
  • Thought it was my computer lol... Take your time and thanks for letting us know.
  • It's alright :) Thanks Brad.
  • Well, we know you're a bit busy these days. ;)
    Anyway, maybe this will force me to be more productive for a while. *laugh*
  • Brad-

    When I first tried to access the Shiba Forum, I got the kind of standard "Error Message" that one gets when there are problems.

    I just tried it again and got this "message" : "Now look what you did, you broke the internet". Rather curious, don't you think? Wonder if the Shiba Forum was hacked.
  • I think he did that to be funny. I was just about to say it happened because I broke the internet.
  • He put that up as a temp page...From his post on the FB group for this forum:

    "I put up that temp page as a test. I think the forum got hacked. :oT"
  • haha... The Shiba folks probably don't find it so funny now that it's been down so long. I promise I am working on it, unfortunately this hit in the middle of litter whelping, a house full of sick dogs, and me wrapping up 3 projects! Please bare with me all. Thanks!
  • edited September 2011
    Here, this will help with the wait: -link-

  • EEEE live Kai pups! Totally makes the Shiba forum crash worth it.
  • Thanks for that link, Brad! Totally made my night!
  • omg, so cute!!!
  • @brad--do all the pups have homes yet?
  • Just a quick update... I have upgraded the shiba forum but we are still working through the setup process. Be warned, it will look strange for a bit, the theme I made for the NK forum doesn't work with the latest version so we will have to launch with the default theme until I have the time to fix my theme. Hopefully we'll have things back sometime tomorrow.


    @ttddinh - Well we have a super long wait list, but we don't take pup deposit until the pups are around 4 weeks old... So, even the people on the list who say thy are interested may back out when it comes time to put down the deposit. So, I guess the answer is "yes", but in our experience things change as the pups become a reality for new owners.

  • Shiba forum is back online...
  • Thank you Brad!
  • thank uuu!!!
  • edited September 2011
    Thanks Brad. Its nice how the images resize. Much easier to view and navigate.
  • Thanks Brad!
  • Thanks! It does look really wierd right now, but still glad to have it back!
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