Argos [PIC/VID update 01.01.2012]



  • However he turns out, he's sure a real looker right now.
  • Shuran went through a "darkening" phase...I thought he might get more and more black hairs and turn Sesame. Though he did darken up a bit...he still has lots and lots of red hair and is Red Sesame. Shuran seems more "Orange" to me where my Kotomi's coat color (also Red Sesame) texture seems more "faded" in comparison to his.

    However Argo turns out he is going to be handsome! Along with his brother. Argos is very cute and adorable right now. =]
  • @BradnJess Great posts and pics and vids!!!!

    I'm so behind with getting my Kuma post/thread up, so third Kimi x Yamato pup is represented :)

  • So handsome!
  • I agree, he is very handsome! I love how they change colors so much when they grow, it's really neat to see what they look like as a pup and finally adult and see the difference.
  • edited November 2011
    @Losech Talk about it! We need to do a recent pic/vid update, he's gotten substantially more red (in the guard hairs) since we've last posted an update. It might be that he's shedding some undercoat, it's recently hit the lovely below 0 degrees Celsius mark and is getting colder by the day (BTW, his first snow encounter is adorable, we have vids :P). We got a lot of white fluffy hairs out, and I'm assuming we're going to see another change when he grows in some winter fur, but I think it's honestly an increase in red, too.

    @ShikokuSpirit You predicted his red! I think he's going to balance out as a sesame, although it is so unpredictable, just because his parents were so dark. But, that's also lovely genetics, I'm assuming red is very recessive.

    I've also been marvelling at how his tail has grown! If you look at the 10 wk picture, it's a little stub compared to now! He loves to chase it, but hasn't figured that backing up won't bring it any closer (I can see the frustration).
  • edited November 2011
    wow thats interesting, so hes become even more red when compared to his last pics?
    please post some new ones!
    ghost has seems to be getting more black hairs and hes darker than the last set of pics ive posted.
    i better take some new pics and update my thread.
  • @jikjak Sorry it took so long! Here we go:

    (pics taken between November 21st [when I got my new camera -- it pays to complain!] and about December 15, so about 4 1/2 months)



    (what a cute butt)



    (chillin with turtle)


    (for about 2 months [ever since he got tall enough to look over the couch] one of his favourite things to do is drape over the top of the couch and watch his "TV")


  • What a handsome little guy! That fur is still changing colors.
  • Argos looks great!
  • edited January 2012
    He looks super! Still looking to be getting some black hairs in his fur.

    ...I think he might end up sesame, but maybe red sesame as my 2nd guess. But you never know!

    Here is my Sachi at 4 months

    And at 8 months (this is the color that she still is -- black sesame like her parents -- Katja's Kuma x Kimi)
  • @the_november_rain He is sweet (50% of the time!). :P

    @Losech I swear it changes every day, I have no idea anymore what I think he might end up like, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be somewhat deep and probably sesame.

    @Edgewood Thanks! Wow, Sachi really darkened over the course of 4 months! (She's so gorgeous, her face makes me melt every time I see a picture of her -- just had to say!). I'm wondering if that's what I should expect of Arg? He's fairly dark already. But I agree, I think the red is there to stay. Sesame is my gut feeling right now. He started off with black guard hairs coming in, and then the reds. But some areas remain almost entirely black (er, grey, he's got a pretty thick, white undercoat from winter).
  • waauw!! he's just so beautiful!! and changed so much!! on one of the pics you can still see some of the expression that he had when he was a small puppy :) he looks really adorable!!
  • great pics! argos is looking good, i see that hes a little darker now too.
  • I heart Argos!!!
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