Kai Ken in NH?

edited November 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
So, earlier today I was at an agility trial and was chatting with friends about my new puppy, and one of them (who happens to work at my vet) got very excited when she heard I was getting a Kai and asked me if I knew the local person who has one? Apparently there is someone who owns a Kai who lives near me, and happens to be boarding their dog at my vet this very weekend! The owner had told the staff at the vet that hers was the only Kai Ken in the State of NH (which is probably true for the next 48 hours). I know my vet won't give me the other client's name or contact info, but I stopped by the vet's office on my way home in the hopes that I could leave the Kai owner a note introducing myself, but they'd already closed.

Does anyone know who this person or this dog is?!? I would love to get in touch with a truly local Kai Ken owner! Until I heard of this dog, I had assumed that Chrystal's Juno was the closest Kai to me (they're about 2.5 hours away).
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