Kishu ken Born: 12/7/11 Pups at 4 weeks old.



  • They're too adorable!!!! I'm in love! lol

    How's Koyuki holding up? ~
  • They're so cute! :D

    It's weird, I'm not used to seeing white NK pups lol Kishu spuds it is!
  • Cute pups glad things went well sorry about the one pup. :\

    Hope to hear more on them.
  • Well today went extremely smooth and well. I'm really proud of my little girl for being such a good mama. She spent the entire day caring for the pups and only asked to be let out once to stretch and go potty. I can see she was looking for the pup that passed...

    After she was done doing her thing, she went right back to caring for the pups. It's amazing how giving birth can change the attitude of dog. Yuki is a gental dog but she can be a bit of pain some times cause she is very vocal. After yesterday I haven't heard a peep out of her. Probably cause she's beat.

    She's eating and drinking normally so I think she will do just fine. I'm starting to see the difference in the pups and how the two larger pups just dominates during feeding time. But all four will eat and sleep with out any help what so ever.

    I'm already hearing that we are keeping all the pups, according to the kids...
  • Thanks for the update...LoL, Koyuki is probably keeping quiet so as not to wake the pups, that or they're already sucking the life out of her :P
  • Listen to the kids Gen. Listen to them! How cool would it be to see a family hunting together? Super cool! :-)
  • Good job, Koyuki! It's good to hear she's doing well. The pups are adorabbblle. I love their little baby paws! I want to pick them up and fawn all over them. :(
  • Great to hear she's doing well Gen. Good luck with the cute little ones, I imagine now is the "Easy" part lol ~
  • congrats shishiinu on the pups
  • Adorable! :) And Koyuki sounds like an excellent mother.

    Do you have buyers for the pups already or?
  • What a sweet and a little bit sad update. Thank you Gen for keeping us posted. It's great to know that she's such a good mom.
  • Congrats to Miss Koyuki. I'm glad she is doing very well.

    I'm looking forward towards meeting the puppies! =p
  • Thanks every one! The pups are getting bigger by the minute and Yukis able to stretch her legs between feedings.

    So far 3 of the 4 pups have been taken by some of our forum members and I'm working on trying to keep the 4th pup within the family. I'll let the members identify them selves later once they get names and stuff figured out. So far this has been a great experience, especially for the kids seeing the miracle of birth and watching what mama dogs do to clean every thing up and care for her pups.

    Now I have to figure out how to explain to my son that the pups have to go to other homes. Yusuke decided to pick out his hog dog pack last night so its gonna be tough...
  • I'm getting one! The male, I think. I'm super excited! :o)

    Thanks to Gen for meking this happen, this is an amazing breeding from some GREAT lines!
  • That's awesome Brad!

    So, there's no way to keep that one Kishu for your son? Would there be too many dogs if you keep it? That would be amazing if you could, being able to raise and train a hog dog at such a young age. He'd be an expert by the time he was ready for high school!
  • Right now we are tapped out on the number of dogs we can have here. Once we get settled and moved to a larger plot of land we will add to our pack although there maybe a chance of us keeping the 4th pup if I cant find a good home. I been thinking of importing another kishu in the near future (Yushoku Kishu) so in order to better the lines of Kishus here in NA, its best for the pup to go to a home.
  • One of those pups wouldn't happen to have my name on it, would it? ;)

    Is it weird that I had a name for a puppy picked out almost immediately after I decided I wanted a Kishu? (I really like "Tomiko"! My SO originally said it was a dumb name, but we agreed he could be terrible and just say "Tommy" for short.)

    I lose it every time I look at that picture with the puppy paws. Puppy paws are the most ridiculously adorable thing I will ever see. I made my boyfriend look at the pictures. He says they most definitely look like peeled potatoes.

    I was thinking about the Yushoku Kishu today. The AKC FSS page only allows for white as a color classification in Kishu. Would colored Kishu be ineligible for registration through AKC FSS? It's not terribly important to ME (right now), it was just a thought.
  • Gen, that is so awesome that you are going to be importing a Yushoku Kishu! Yay!
  • Stinks to be maxed out for number of dogs when you can import some more valuable blood. Perhaps you can co-own the pup (rabies license at a different home but temporarily keep for training) until you move to a different property.

    Are your Kishu ever going to mingle with Carleen's Kishu? Are they NIPPO or JKC registered? Has Carleen kept up with Japanese registration?
  • One pup is going to Carleen to add new lines to her kennel. My kishus are Nippo registered and the pups will also be Nippo registered.

    I thought of doing the co-op thing but there are no one here interested but one of my family members near by may take the last pup so that I can work her. But if there are no takers we'll keep her.
  • Yushoku Kishu would be uber-awesome!
  • Wow, awesome we'll be able to follow the pups in here :)

    Congrats on getting a kishu Brad, expanding the pack with another breed, exciting! :D
  • Congratulations on the pups. :) I also really like the pic with the puppy toes. So cute!
  • Ok so some individual photos of the pups.

    Male Kishu pup
    Male kishu

    Female Kishu #1
    Female kishu 1

    Female Kishu #2
    Female kishu 2

    Female Kishu #3
    Female kishu 3
  • Haha! I like Girly #3's picture with momma lurking in the background.... and my focus has changed from puppy toes to puppy ears.
  • Some good looking pups
  • Little polar bears!!! :D ~
  • My fav is number 2!!! Lol
  • w00t w00t! That's my boy, Kishin! He is super cute right now, hard to believe he will grow to be a hog-crusher. :o)
  • Awesome name! Do you know the kanji for kishin? Kishin is going to be just like his papa. It's so funny cause he doesn't want to snuggle with his sisters and just does his own thing exploring.
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