What is your experience with Kai?



  • Been very busy with classes, so not much time to visit here... I thought I might like to get into this conversation but...

    you guys have answered everything so well not sure what I can add... except maybe that they are addicting...

    Getting on this list and other similar lists is a great way to learn more about the breed itself and about breeders. I am sure we can all help you in your quest to find the perfect Kai.

    From a breeder point of veiw every Kai dog is an individual with its own qualitys and/or quirks (so to speak). The earlier they are exposed to things and the more they are exposed, the easier they accept whatever comes their way. Starting a puppy early and continuing throughout his lifetime with excessive socialization and exposure to whatever the puppys job in life will be, is a great benefit to all puppys and owners. Most Kai puppys are very happy to be doing anything as long as they can do it with you.

    Because each Kai is an individual I think the more a breeder knows about your situation, your family, other pets, humans, etc in the household and your plans for your Kai, such as hiking,couch potato,show dog, the better a breeder can match a dogs personality to you and your family...

    A lot of new owners want to pick their puppy without ever meeting the puppy or only knowing it for a short while before picking, but I think a breeder knows each puppy's temperament and habits from birth and is better able to help the new owner match the right puppy to their family for the right function.

    Ok I will get off my soapbox for now :)

  • @tjbart17- just to clarify, but not all that extremly important .... I am located in Michigan near the base of the thumb... although I do hang out with those Ohio people : 0
  • edited December 2011
    @kaikenone I knew that. I don't know why I wrote that. :-D I think I'm losing it.
  • thank you for all informations it's very interesting because i'm also would love to have a kai ken. More i read about kai and more i'm in love with (and I love this breed for 2 years already ^^)
  • edited February 2012
    Marsha is a wonderful person :D HEY. Came on here to get some more advice and see other Kai owners! its awesome!
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