Importing a puppy safely

edited December 2011 in General
I am wanting to import an akita inu from japan in to the UK but feel i do not yet no enough about importing, one of my concerns is that i don't no what the safest ways of paying for the pup.

What are the safest ways of paying for the pup without the risk of being scamed?


  • The safest way is to have someone you know and trust handle the transaction for you.

    Short of that, I would try to pay using paypal and a credit card so you can dispute the transaction if something happens.
  • I would go there to pick up your puppy.
  • I know there is a lengthy mandatory quarantine in the U.K. for imports. You may want to look closely at that.
  • quarantine laws change as of the 1st jan, after this date a puppy is only required to have a rabies vac and wait 21 days prior to importing and have a vet administer tape worm treatment no more than 5 days prior to travelling into the uk. so importing is much easier and cheaper to do.
    that said i wouldn't have a clue on importing from japan. i did suggest contacting keith gullis as i know he as imported to the uk from japan.
  • That's really cool about the laws changing. Wasn't it six month quarantine? That is so rough.
  • i'm really happy about the changes, at the moment, a puppy as to have a rabies vac then a blood test to check antibodies, if that comes back fine you then have to wait 6 months before you can fetch your puppy into the uk, so roughly when the dog is 10months old. they have to have a vet administered worming, flea and tick treatment no less than 48 hours prior to travel. so on top of the cost of your puppy and transport you have to add 6months kenneling fee's on top. or the other option is to fetch into the uk when young and pay for quarantine kennels which cost an arm and a leg from what i have been told, plus your puppy misses out on been socalized while young. all in all the changes are a real improvement as far as i'm concerned
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