My Bea is lost!

edited January 2012 in General
Bea, my 8 year old red spayed female shiba inu is lost. I let her out to use the restroom (9pm) and because I had taken NyQuil, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until midnight (the hubs woke me up). I went to go look for her but she was already missing. There are no holes underneath our fencing. We looked around all last night and all day today, still couldn't find her. I reside in Riverside, California (near UCR) and I miss her terribly. If you could spread the word, that would be great. Thanks guys.

Happy New Year,


  • I let Masako, who runs the LA/OC Shiba Meetup and Saving Shibas Rescue, know about Bea. I think she is a member on the Shiba side.
  • Oh my gosh!!!! I am so sorry!!
  • Saw all the fb posts earlier today was praying it wasn't your Bea. :( I am so sorry. I hope she is found soon.
  • Oh no, I hope she is found soon!
  • I am sorry. Nothing more awful that having a missing dog and worrying about them constantly. I hope that Bea returns today.
  • edited January 2012
    @ttddinh - I'm so sorry to hear about Bea! Losing a dog is the worst feeling.

    We had some success using a Pet PI, Karin TarQwyn, when Taka was lost. At the very least, she helped get the word out on the street. I think it was worth the money - well, we found Taka, so it WAS worth the money. Here is her website: . Mention Taka if you speak with her.

    We also used this service: . I think it was helpful too.

    Good luck!

  • Saw this on FB so sorry hope she is found soon.
  • edited January 2012
    Theresa, I hope you find her soon!!!!
  • I'm so sorry! I know what it's like to have a lost pet - it's awful. Make sure you call all vets, shelters, rescues, and animal control. Take out ads, put up posters, get the word out! Good luck!
  • I hope you find her very soon!!! I couldn't image going through what your going thru. I'm really sorry to here this even though I don't know you personally. Good luck!
  • I know how awful it is to go through something like this, you have my sincerest hope that you get her back safe and sound!
  • Posted on Facebook by ttddinh:

    "Dear all,

    Thank you very much for your heartfelt prayers, and pawsitive thoughts. I would also like to thank Masako Yamamoto and Annie- Kuma- Hiro for all their helpful advice and suggestions. Bea has been found!! She was found about 6 miles away from home by an older couple who saw her hanging out near the park and called us. When we got there, she was sitting on the cement stairs and came directly to me when I called her. The couple said she would not come to them. She was extremely extremely dirty and had more thorns in her than I thought could be possible and black marks on her back like she was hiding under a car.

    THANKS!!! I love you guys!!!"
  • wow thats great news. im glad shes safe and sound.
  • OMG! SO GLAD they found her safe & sound! ~
  • So glad you found her! But how scary! Have any idea how she got out?
  • No Idea how she got out--there were no holes around the fence. Someone suggested to put her on a leash and see if she will take me to the place she escaped. I am going to do that tomorrow when there is light out. I tried to do that today but when she saw me grab the leash, she just ran to the door and sat. She cannot jump (well, this is just based solely on the observation that she NEVER jumps into the back of our truck, we have to carry her) so I don't think she jumped out. I am really hoping she didn't learn how to climb our 8 foot chain link fence.
  • So happy to hear she's been found :D
  • Glad she has been found and is safe!
  • I'm so glad she was found!

    It's entirely possible that she learned how to climb the chain link fence. She went missing toward New Year's eve, right? Fireworks and noises may have frightened her enough to elicit the " Shiba escape response". Anyhow, my brother had a Shiba who climbed up a chain link fence like a spider. Also, is it possible that someone let her out of your yard?
  • Great news!
  • Glad she is back!
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