Kibou nose is developing depigmentation (Pink Spots)
Hi everyone, I havent been on here for a long time. I have a male Kai named Kibou that I aquired from Brad. He is just about 2 yrs old. His nose and his lip just below his nose has developed loss of pigmenration in the last couple of days. This looks likes pink spots, about the size of a pencil eraser each. There are 3 spots. They are smooth, not blister like. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks, Dave
I wonder if it is the beginnings of what's called a snow nose?
Are his food and water bowls made out of plastic or metal/ceramic?
I think he got bit on the nose by one of the birds. [ super nosey puppy ]
I wouldn't worry too much about it. It might go just as quickly as it came. ~
She just had her teethers cleaned. They look great! lol
It might be snow nose if it's not an injury or caused by a food dish.
What is that yellow/red spot on the bottom left of it?
Here are some examples of the earlier stages:
I've only seen my friend's akita with pemphigus (snout, eye areas) and hers is also triggered by sun exposure.
I vote for injury unless it worsens. The skin will fill in with pigment later on.
But anyways, dont get worried yet. Pigment changes are quite normal and with most cases those go away in couple weeks. If he doesnt get his pigment back after couple weeks, it starts to spread or there comes wounds etc then go see doctor.