Advice needed!

edited February 2012 in General
Ok so I have not been on here in a while. Life has been crazy! Moved from Ohio back to PA after I got married :) Bought a house and we are now having a baby due the middle of March. So I feel kind of bad for not keeping up with the forum as much but hopefully I will be able to catch up a bit! Hopefully I will be able to get some updated pics of them on here since Ziggy is now a year and 3 months and Autumn is fast approaching 3 years in June!

Anyway I need some advice. I am wondering if anyone has any experience bringing home a baby with their dogs. I am hoping Autumn (Shiba) and Ziggy (Kai ken) will be good with her but I want to make sure I do everything I can so that they adjust well. I don't want my puppies to feel less important because the are certainly not. Any advice would be great!!


  • edited February 2012
    Congrats on parenthood....I would say much varies from dog to dog and pack to pack but start planning now with your dog(s) so it isn't so strange for them.

    Here are some suggested reads for acclimation etc etc. to pull families through as well as those expecting. There are many things to consider and even if you have been through it all before the information is a nice refresher.

    a) "Living with kids and dogs without losing your mind by Colleen Pilar.

    b) Dr Yin @




  • edited February 2012
    Congratulations on well everything! You've had quite the busy year.

    I have no advice for introducing dogs to new babies sorry. I will say though I have worked in children and family services in one way or another for over thirteen years, and sometimes I think people worry a bit too much especially since really the baby won't bother the dogs until he/she crawls or walks. If a dog wants to get away from a crying newborn, they tend to just leave the room. I guess I did have advice. :-D
  • Congrats on all the life changes! Like Tara, I have no advice for integrating a baby... But best of luck and keep us updated (with photos!)
  • Yea this past year has been quite a busy one! I think I need to stop having so many life changes, although am always thinking about what puppy I should add to the pack now. Too bad my husband has put his foot down and said no more dogs for now.

    Thanks for the advice :) I'm not too worried about it but I just don't want the dogs to feel left out. They are my first kids after all haha! I really hadn't thought about it until my mom brought it up the other night while Autumn was wanting some attention :)

    And yes I def need to put up some pictures! It has been way too long since I have posted any!
  • Congrats! We just had a baby a few months ago and having gone through two kids with the dogs, we tried a couple of ways to integrate my sons into the family of dogs.

    What we did was after a few days of bringing of Yusuke and yuji home, we brought in each dog on its own and let them see the baby and let the dogs get a good sniff. We didn't let the dogs get into the babie's face or even really allow them to lick them.

    We did this once a day and in doing so Yusuke na style dogs now have a good understanding of each other. Since our dogs have been around young kids, I think they understand that kids are muchore delicate then adults.

    Hope this helps.
  • First, congrats on some huge life changes & the impending baby. Hopefully you will have a smooth & easy devlivery with a nice healthy baby at the end! :)

    I don't have any first hand experience, but when my friends did was find some people / friends / family, etc. who already had babies &/or young children for their dogs to meet. They socialized the dogs with as many kids & babies as possible before theirs came.

    So basically, give them a chance to meet a lot of babies & kids so that when yours comes it'll be no big deal. [ of course, always be safe with babies & dogs...and extra careful. You just never know until they've had more time together & the baby / kid has been taught not to pull the dogs ears, tail, etc. ]

    As for the dogs feeling less important...I wouldn't worry about it. As long as they aren't neglected [ which I doubt you'll do ;) ] they should be just fine. Dogs are smart, they know when something takes more pressing matters. This is just MHO, but I also think they know when a human is a baby /kid, or an adult. So I really wouldn't worry about it too much.

    Best of luck! ~
  • Congrats on the new addition to the family!!
  • Thanks so much for the advice :) I thought about introducing them to kids but unfortunately none of our friends have kids quite yet. Haha we seem to be the first for that.

    Autumn has met my cousins who at the time were 9, 13 and 14 and she was really good with them. I think if any concern with her it would be that she would feel left out, which I would try not to do but as of now she gets a lot of my attention. My other concern would be mainly with Ziggy. Since he is still a puppy he plays a little rough and also when he is very excited will try to jump up until we remind him that it is not kn to do that :) I am sure it will get better over time I just dont want him to be rough with the baby. I am hoping that even with all the craziness I will be able to work with both of them with the baby and see how it goes.

    Hopefully I will get some good pictures of it in the process :)
  • A friend of mine, when she found out she was pregnant, took a doll and treated it like she would a baby to help prepare herself and the dog. She practiced stroller walking with the doll in the stroller, car seat manners, play time and diaper changing. She found a CD of baby sounds and cries, and played it everyday at varying volumes. By the time the baby was born, the dog had already learned not to chew on what's strapped in the car seat, not to pull the stroller, and to leave the diapers alone. The mom learned how to juggle a dog and a baby, as well as what to look for in order to prevent mishaps.
  • Do you have the baby room set up yet? I'd have it set up so dogs can get used to the crib, and things, maybe work on slowly getting the dogs used to walking with a stroller? So when time comes they can be walked with the baby?

    Saya loves babies and kids her favorite seems be toddlers one girl just loved her she was very young and she even grabbed Saya's tail I made sure Saya got treats for being calm and I told the girl please don't do that and showed her gentle way to pet Saya and surprisingly the girl listened and pet her the way I showed her it was so cute wished I had a camera at the time.

    I hope things go well Calia idea with a baby doll and baby noise CD would be helpful.

    With attention try to keep dogs schedule same as possible which hard of coarse, but be sure they get their walks maybe a bit extra since you'll be busy with baby and things will be more exciting. maybe if you have a friend who the dogs do well with the friend can walk the dogs for you or your husband can?

    Try to work them physically and mentally so they're tired.

    Your two dogs know leave it command, drop it too?

    If not I'd work teaching them that or if they know it to improve on it. Work with leaving baby toys, diapers alone etc. Baby and kids toys are hard resist for dogs can always gate baby room off so dogs can hear baby, but not get into the toys.

    Saya loves kids probably because most usually have cookie crumbs on their hands.
  • @Calia The CD of baby noises is a great idea. I will have to see if I can find something like that! I don't have the stroller yet but I am getting it in the next week or two so I will start taking the dogs out with me with that and see how it goes....I have a feeling Autumn will try to jump in and catch a ride :)

    @Saya I do have the baby room set up and actually have not even brought either dog in it since we finished remodeling. I think I was afraid that they would shed all over the room :) I think I need to start taking them in there. Autumn is great with younger kids that run up to her and start petting her from the neighborhood but Ziggy just wants to jump and play when we go for walks. I know he is still pretty young so I am hoping he grows out of that. Until then I guess we keep working on it :)

    I am not sure how to keep them away from the baby toys when I am not looking. There is a funny story about that...after my shower I had the presents in the dining room and apparently the dogs thought they were for them because Autumn comes around the corner with a teething ring and Ziggy comes bouncing in with a pacifier!! It was the funniest thing! Wish I had a camera. So I think that is going to be another challenge right there!
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