Famous fox farm experiment in peril...
Guarding the Fox House
A famous animal experiment is in peril, after 54 years of work.
Link: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/03/domesticated_foxes_in_siberia_an_experiment_in_peril_.html
A famous animal experiment is in peril, after 54 years of work.
Link: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2012/03/domesticated_foxes_in_siberia_an_experiment_in_peril_.html
The comments on that article range from the interesting to the sad. The people who go on and on about how it's cruel in the comments... ugh. They act as if all scientific research that involves any kind of animal is detrimental just because it doesn't let the animal be in a perfectly natural environment. Something that I'm pretty sure many even wild foxes don't have, because they seem pretty common in suburban and even urban areas. The article itself mentioned a wild fox in Moscow--I fail to believe that a fox, whether it was deliberate bred by humans or was born wild, lives in its natural environment if it's in Moscow.