
edited March 2012 in Akita (秋田犬)
HI all, you have been such a great resource, I so appreciate it. Sachi is now almost 9 months (her DOB is June 23, 2011). She had been gaining weight rather quickly, but has recently leveled off right near 70 lbs. She has a super sensitive stomach and is not really food/treat driven. I have found a mix of high quality food that she will both eat and that doesn't give her diarrhea. I supplement it a couple of times a week with a can of tuna, that encourages her to eat more. We hike, snow shoe, walk, off leash dog park, etc every day. So she is getting a lot of exercise. Her mom weighs 106 and her dad is 118. Should I be concerned? Is it likely she may just be smaller? Her height is about 24" at the withers, so that seems normal. She has thick bones and doesn't look too skinny in the ribs? I don't know, should I just wait and see? Or should I add some wet food to her diet? Ideas? Thoughts? Advice?


  • When you rub your hands down her sides can your feel ribs?
  • No, I can't.....I mean not through all the fur, unless I dig in?
  • I have no idea how I just accidentally posted a whole Sachi slide show. These pics are from August to last week. I am really not good with technology. I meant to try to show JackBurton a better view of her currect size. oops.
  • IDK know either but I like it. If you cannot feel bone, ie ribs etc then I wouldn't worry about weight or anything right now. Just keep her on good diet of quality food and see what happens. She doesn't look underfed or unhealthy to me at all.
  • Thanks, your opinion really matters.
  • Another thing to consider: Akitas also fill out after year one, so she will gain more weight... but I don't know how much more. I haven't experienced that part yet. I got a 7mo old JA, so I'm learning as I go too.

  • Sean, just curious why you think feeling ribs is not a good thing. To me, a lot of the American Akita show dogs look fat.
  • Well for one we are talking about a nine month old dog. In my head it is better to keep a puppy well fed as opposed to not. You can always lean a dog out later. Now mind you I have very little experience with American Akitas but if you feel the side of the dog and it is easy to feel ribs that should be a sign that the dog is under weight. I'm not saying the you shouldn't feel ribs at all just enough so that it takes some pressure to feel them. I hope that explains what I'm looking for.
  • Yes, that makes sense, keeping a puppy well fed. I can feel my dog's ribs with very minimal pressure but he doesn't seem underweight or unhealthily thin.
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