Raw only & kibble

If you feed raw only, will your dogs take kibble when they need to? (vet boarding, dog sitting, camping, etc) Or do you just adjust things to where they never need to be on kibble?


  • Yes! My dogs LOVE kibble. It's like fast food for them or something, and they are excited to have it. I can use some kibble as training treats, too, because they are not bored with it and think it is something new and interesting, as opposed to that boring old meat they usually eat. *lol*
  • When Conker was having his major digestive issues and was eating raw food only, he would seek out any type of processed food like he was possessed. At that time anything of the sort caused a host of problems, so he wasn't allowed to have anything other than what his food was and a few select treats. So naturally, he wanted what he couldn't have more than what he was getting.
    Now though, he can flip-flop between raw and kibble just fine.
  • Like shibamistress I use kibble as training treats, and they are more excited about it now that they are on raw than when they were normally eating kibble. I love collecting free kibble sample packets specifically for training treats, so much healthier than most treats that are sold and it keeps them used to kibble should there be a situation where they are stuck eating it for a meal.
  • edited October 2012
    The facility where I boarded Mitsu (forever ago, since now we live close to family who can dog-sit) was totally fine with feeding raw, so it might be that if you need to board or have someone dog sit you can still feed raw.

    However, like Calia said, my dogs are more excited about kibble now that they're on raw. Before I switched over, I could never get my shiba to eat her kibble. Now, she'll readily accept kibble as training treats.
  • The important is not to mix raw and kibbles in the same meal. I feed mostly kibble and some days i will feed only raw making sure that there's a minimum of 12 hrs between kibbles and raw.

    Let me know if i'm wrong in the way i feed. I know it is not the best, but ALL raw is not always convenient for me.
  • @atlas I would consider finding a raw friendly boarding facility or sitter to go under "adjusting things to where they don't need to be on kibble" ;)
  • edited October 2012
    @Sachi It's perfectly fine to mix the two together. Some people say it digests at different rates and that can cause problems for some dogs. It can, rarely, but for the vast majority of dogs, it doesn't. If it were horrible to mix the two, then mushers wouldn't feed kibble and raw meat/fat in the same meal. Plenty of mushers mix kibble and raw meat together and their entire kennels do just fine that way. Lots of other people do it too, not just mushers.
    What you are doing is fine too. Nothing wrong with waiting between meal types, but it's not dangerous to mix the food together.

    All of my dogs digest mixed kibble/raw meals perfectly fine with no issues. It wasn't always that way with Conker, but his digestive problems have settled down considerably now compared to when he was younger.
  • edited October 2012
    Saya was boarded she ate pre made raw, but I think they didn't take my instructions.. As I came back early and the one day of food I got back was thawed and stuff I written it to feed her frozen pre made.. >.< Next time she isn't being boarding.

    Things like camping I plan to feed her big meal before and bring caned salmon or sardines and give her that plus kibble for treats and dehydrated heart, liver, and boneless for treats too..

    Saya loves kibble and gets it for training treats I don't give it separately with her raw as she eats once a day and sometimes she eats in morning, lunch time or dinner I try keep it random.

    She hasn't had issues with it, but she doesn't get it as a meal..

    I do think if your feeding a half meal of kibble and half raw it should be separated..

    Depends on the camping If it's long time then just caned fish wouldn't do..

    I'd probably do honest kitchen as meals or ziwi peak..

    I like ziwipeak since it has meat, liver, kidney and even tripe. Saya really loves ziwipeak..

    I plan get a bag to rotate between treats I made, kibble and dehydrated stuff.

    When I go to Madison WI for shiba picnic I bring two days of food in a cooler with ice on top and we go to a hotel that has fridge..

    When I went to Louisiana for a week I brought weeks worth of food and put it in their chest freezer.. Could just go to store and get meat, but she's a 20lb dog so there would be left over if I did that..

    I think feed how ever you think is good each dog does good on different types raw..

    Bella does good with raw 2 to 4 times a week as dinner instead of kibble she hasn't had issue stomach or poop wise.
  • @calia- I love collecting free kibble sample packets LOLOL I do that too :)

    Unlike most people, I have more free time on the weekdays than weekends so on weekends, the dogs get kibble. They get 4 days raw 3 days kibble on and off and there is no issue.
  • I mix mine all the time. My dogs get alot of raw, but when I travel they get kibble.
  • If you guys are mixing them anyway this thread is not for you :P
  • LOLOL sorry @okiron we (I) don't read that well, I guess...hehehe
  • Haha it's ok, conversation is always good. I've gotten some ideas here that I wasn't even looking for.
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