First time mom... owner. I have questions!

edited October 2012 in General
I have a Japanese Akita bitch, Bijozakura, bred August 24th and a few days after that. She is due sometime around October 27th to 30th according to my vet. The vet is a canine reproductive specialist and she took my breeding dates along with measurements she got from the ultrasound and some blood work to arrive at those dates. There were four puppies seen on the ultrasound. The bitch just turned 5 years old in August and this will be her fourth litter. She is an experienced and good mother.

However, this is my first litter and I have the jitters!

Over the past three days she has started noticeably developing breast tissue, particularly the four teats on her lower abdomen between her rear legs. If you hold her fur out of the way it looks like she has an udder. No worries there - everything seems normal. The teats are enlarged but not hard or discolored.

However, seeming to coincide with this, her urine has developed a very strange smell. I cannot describe it, for I have not smelled anything like it before - its weird, very unpleasant, and quite pungent. It does not smell strongly of uric acid or ammonia and doesn't burn the nostrils. All I can say is what it isn't - its not normal. At the same time she has developed incontinence and will pee on her rug or bedding less than an hour after being taken outside to potty. It was 95 degrees today and quite unpleasant with the reek. Now everything is in the laundry, even the backup rugs and blankets, so she only has the bare floor to sleep on.

My question is the strange smelling pee "normal"? My husband's theory is that the odd smell is caused by sugars/proteins she is exuding as a result of her body preparing to start making milk.

I will be calling the repro vet in the morning to ask her about it as well.


  • Not sure of the weird smelling pee, but I'd imagine that the puppies pushing against her bladder could cause incontinence or a need to pee more often.
  • litter jitters! hehe
    Question: does it smell vaguely like popcorn? I have experienced this with a 5 y/o husky a while back. She was about as far along as Bijozakura. Not sure if it's normal or not but, it was the weirdest smell ever.
  • I don't know if it smells like popcorn. It certainly didn't come to mind at the time. Everything is cleaned up at the moment, but I'm sure I'll have opportunity to check later. Not looking forward to sniffing it intentionally haha!
  • The incontinence is def. normal. Humans have it happen to us in the end days of pregnancy and every other animal we've ever had bred also has had it happen. I had a goat last year that had 5 (!!!) kids in here all healthy and full size - large litters in ND goats are normal, but she wouldn't even stand to pee. Gross, I know.. she is an extreme example, but she was SO huge and uncomfortable that she would just lay in the hole she dug and let it out. Thankfully, she's an outside animal, lol - no rugs to clean there and no evidence of a strange smell.
    As for the smell, I would love to know what you find out about that!
  • Good idea to follow up with the repo vet about the urine smell. A lot of times kitosis can smell strange too in early stages. Be prepared to get a urine sample.... Better safe than sorry.

  • Okay! We figured it out. The odd smell was caused by a reaction between her pee and the rubber backing of one of the rugs. Also because it had a rubber back it trapped urine between the rug and the hardwood floor where it could not be wicked up to dry. Needless to say we'll be sticking with woven rugs only now.
  • Ah sick! Lol!

    Glad you figured it out though. Smells make me uncomfortable? Ha
  • I have a very good nose, but I have never smelled a difference in our female's urine once they are pregnant.

    Oh... I just read your last post @poeticdragon. Ok. Good. I was worried for you. lol

    I haven't noticed our females having incontinence, but I have noticed they need to go out more often. Also, as they start to produce milk they need a lot more water. So expect her to drink more.

  • At what point in the gestation do you notice the milk bar beginning to fill up?
  • When I first found out Bijo had been bred, I went to this site that lets you print out a full chart of the changes momma will go through by date. Here's where we're at currently (10/19):

    Wed 10 Oct 2012 - Thu 18 Oct 2012
    - Dam begins to spend a lot more time in self grooming.
    - Her breasts become even more swollen.
    - She may become a bit restless and search for a suitable place to have her puppies.

    Fri 12 Oct 2012 - Sat 27 Oct 2012
    - Nipples and vulva should be gently cleaned with warm water, you might want to trim the hairs surrounding the nipples, to allow easier access for the puppies to suck.

    Mon 22 Oct 2012 - Thu 25 Oct 2012
    - Milky fluid may be expressed from the nipples.
  • edited October 2012
    Neat! What site was that?
  • SO glad it wasn't anything to worry over!!! Yay, good luck with the pups!
  • Glad everything's okay! Good luck with the pups!

    Nothing to do with pregnant dogs, but I remember a few years ago one of my aunts was keeping a male (not an NK) for a breeder friend to try to socialize him more and ended up taking him to several vets because his urine smelled extremely smoky... and nobody could ever find anything wrong with him, he apparently just had a bizarrely smoky smell to his urine.
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