I'm new, and heres my Shiba!

edited March 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)

Hello! :3 I just wanted to post this really quick. :) My name is Steph and i'm from PA, and I just got my first Shiba Inu puppy over a month ago. His name is Toby and i've registered him for the AKC. :O Hes about 3 and a half months old.

 Though, I don't plan on showing him cause I don't feel like he fits to any standard, I will probably train him for agility in the future. Hes incredibly fast! :3





  • edited November -1

    that 2nd picture is awesome. He looks like he is brewing up quite a bit of trouble.


  • edited November -1

    Welcome to the pack!!

    He's very cute, and yes on that second photo he can't be up to no good...

  • edited November -1
    Welcome.  If you think he is fast now, wait until his body stops growing and he has full control over it.
  • edited November -1
    Welcome! Good luck raising your little monster. You're a few weeks ahead of me so keep me posted on whatever happens!
  • edited November -1

    LOL, he is too cute; I do know that look in the second picture.  It is the collar and leash.  He is working out in his head how he can get out of that LOL. 

    Goodluck and welcome Steph and Toby.  I love his colors.

     Ron in New Mexico

  • edited November -1

    Welcome! He looks pretty!! Enjoy him us much as you can while he's still a puppy, they grow really fast.

  • edited November -1

    Hi Steph! Welcome to the forum!

    Your Shiba has great color, he is very cute... and I agree with Jessica, that second picture is great, very funny.

  • edited November -1

    Welcome to the forum!

    Toby is so cute. He does look like a little troublemaker like everyone is saying. 

  • edited November -1
    Welcome to the forum Steph!  Toby is adorable! 
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Welcome!! You're going to learn SO much from this forum - I've already become absolutely obsessed Sealed Also, Toby is soooo cute! My mom's Pomeranian is named Toby as well!
  • edited November -1

    Sorry for not saying -too- much about myself. xD I was in a rush this morning!

     Thank you for all the welcomes! :)

    Hmm. When I got Toby, he was weaned onto a really ... not so great food. He was on Diamond Puppy ( which is the equivalent of Eukanuba, Iams, Purina, ect ), but I immediately grabbed a bag of puppy food that I know is good. After about a month, we've gotten off the Diamond and now hes on Eagle Pack Puppy.

    Eagle Pack grows all its own food, and raises its own livestock in its own company. Their food is approved by the FDA, and is human-grade. Very great food. :) I reccommend it to anyone. Other good foods are Canidae, Innova, Wellness, Solid Gold, and Nature's Variety.

    Also, about me. xD I'm 18 years old, college bound for a major in Illustration. I work at a local pet store ( which is where I get all my great knowledge of dog foods, and many other things ). I'm trained in handfeeding baby birds, I know basic first aid for animals ( giving fluids, medicine ). I'm pretty much just a kennel person. xD I clean stuff! :)

    I'm very much into art, hence why i'm going into it at college. If your interested in checking out my art, I have a website. http://kizamaji.deviantart.com/

  • edited November -1
    When you say petstore, you don't mean a store that sells dogs right?  You mean a store that sells pet supplies....
  • edited November -1
    Oh yes, we sell dogs. All our dogs are rescued puppies and that are dropped off/unwanted. We do not promote puppy mills. We have an adoption process, and by law, all our puppies sold must be spayed or neutered by 6 months of age. We also work with a local rescue sometimes and get adult dogs in as well to adopt out. All our puppies get vaccinated, and we offer a low-cost vaccine clinic so once your puppy is adopted, you can come back every month and get the remaining vaccines required.
  • edited November -1

    So you really don't sell dogs, you adopt them out.

    You're a strong person to acquire a puppy while you're college bound. I wouldn't be able to do it.

  • edited November -1
    I love photo #2. Our Harlow does that look and we call it her 'sneaky look'. I had fun looking at your art, keep up the great work.
  • edited November -1
    Welcome!!  I love all the pics!  These puppies are making me melt!
  • edited November -1
    Welcome...I'm a new Shiba owner too...mine is a little rascale...causes all kinds of trouble...but I love the little guy...he turned 4 months last week...and is growing like a weed. I like the 2nd pic too...kinda like...hmmm...what trouble can i cause or yeah...look at me...I'm cool!
  • edited November -1
    Welcome!! He's such a cutie.
  • edited November -1

    Welcome!  Oh my goodness, I could just squeeze him, he's so cute!  I have to tell you, that second picture immediately induced the west side story picture in my head.  Like i'm cool, don't mess with me look! 

    Enjoy him! My Shiba is 13 months or so and we adopted him in January.  We're still learning alot about each other, but I love that dog soooo much.

    I'm excited to check out your are too.   Enjoy the forums, there are some wonderful people on here.

  • edited November -1

    Ah, i'll only be an hour from home -- so it won't be too bad. :) My parents have agreed to 'watch' him while i'm away. I do plan on training him on breaks, summer, weekends, ect.

    In college, i'm going to major in illustration and hopefully get into writing children's books. I'd love to write books about animals; mostly dogs.  It'd be neat to write/illustrate children's books about all the japanese dogs. :3

     Toby has been much of a handful lately. Is it common for teething to start around 3-4 months or so? I've never owned a puppy before; and my previous dog was a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix. We had to put her down when she was 6 years old, over a year ago. D: She had lots of health problems. 

    I just ask, since Toby has been incredibly nippy lately, especially when hes rather irritated. If I keep him on the leash too long, or hold/restrain him for long periods of time. Hes just so darn cute, though! I want to cuddle him so bad. :0

  • edited November -1
    My shiba is very mouthy and I think always will be.  A shiba cuddling is 50/50 I think.  Niko never cuddled until she was about 2 and more calm, but it is still not in her full nature.
  • edited November -1

    Heres a newer picture of Toby that I took last night. The black around his neck/chest and forehead are starting to really darken up. And this week, the colour on his back started getting more black. I'm wanting him to grow faster now! I want to see what he turns into as an adult. xD

     His mother was a Red Sesame and his father was a Black and tan.

    If you look closely, you can see the black starting to come in on his back; which wasn't in the older photos from a few weeks ago. :0


  • edited November -1
    Steph, nice pic. His colors are really interesting. The transition from light red to dark red around his face is really nice! I don't think I've seen that color setup on a Shiba before, but I like it!
  • edited November -1
    What a curious fluff ball.  I would have a house full if I lived on a farm and Jake would allow it :-) 
  • edited November -1
    Welcome!  That is one cute puppy.  Shiba puppies are the cutest of all the puppies in the world, of that I am convinced.
  • edited November -1
    this is a great dog with spirit! very nice to see Smile
  • edited November -1
    Super cute. I just saw a new Shiba in my complex. Looks like yours. 5 weeks old.
  • edited November -1
    Hey Tobyshiba I'm an artist too and I have a page up on deviant... www.rabidart.deviantart.com
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