
edited March 2008 in General

When I adopted my first Shiba Inu - I was floored by how fast I
could fall for a sad little ball of off-white fluff. She reeked like a
dirty hamster cage (she was from a puppy mill raid) and she peed on me
during the 4 hour drive home. But I loved her immediately. Like

Then our second Shiba was from a rescue - and
when we got him - we told family and friends (we actually considered
sending out e-notices with his picture.. ha). We were delighted and all
a majority of people could say was 'don't you already have a dog' or
'why in hell would you want two dogs?' and 'are you sure you want
another vet bill'. 

Don't they get it? These are my
furbabies! I don't want children - I have dogs! My husband and I have
already found a common ground on the fact - we hope to rescue Shibas in
the future, there are no children plans in our future! And to most
people, that is disturbingly odd!  

Why is that? These
animals depend on us for everything, and to me, that is as far as I'll
go with that unless my Maker has other plans for me - which I am open
to - I really only want furbabies!!

Do other non-child-bearing dog owners feel this way too?  


  • edited November -1

    I'm right there with ya.

    I have a "no trying" thing. If I end up pregnant, I'll love it but I'm not going to go out of my way to have one. I'll be perfectly happy being surrounded by my dogs, cats, rabbits and whatever else I'm with at the time. My family doesn't understand it and doesn't support it. If I'm ever in trouble, I could expect no help from them unless I get rid of my animals. Easy to say I wont be asking them for help anytime soon...or ever.

  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    It's the strangest thing - I've never had a longing for children. I always thought I would be an auntie or god-mother but never wanted children of my own. Then Tim wanted a dog so we got Ryu to be his little buddy. From the minute I laid eyes on him, he was MY LITTLE BABY. And I've been obsessed with him ever since. I'm continuously amazed at how much I love this little 20 lb rascal. Tim's working in Japan right now and last night on the phone, all we could talk about was adopting another Shiba when we get back to mainland. We're starting our little furry family, that's for sure. As for kids, I'm more open to the idea now that I feel that "motherly" love but am definitely in NO RUSH. I want my little Shiba babies to have us all to themselves for a little while :)
  • edited November -1

    I'm with you Jennifer. We have some folks on here who have the time and love to give to bothe fur and human babies.

    NOT ME

    Dogs and kitties all the way.

    They will never ask for cell phones, or borrow the car, and tuition is WAY cheaper.

    Yay furbabies! 

  • edited March 2008

    I agree with all of the above!!Cool

    My family is not supportive of this of course like some of you have
    said. They also don't approve of me cohabiting since I come from a
    staunchly Catholic background, but I'm not one to follow the rules. Where I come from, it's like you 'prove' your womanhood by having kids.

    I really DO NOT see myself as a mother, at all! I don't have the patience for kids and I don't remember liking kids when I was a kid myself! I've always been 'a little adult' and preferred to hang around adults because what they said always seemed more interesting. I've been a TEFL teacher for 8 years now and very quickly switched to teaching adults because I just hated having to babysit the brats. I have to say though, especially after the way an adult student acted with me today - adults are sometimes no better! Yell

    I've thought for quite a few years now that I don't have a motherly instinct when it comes to human babies, I don't coo over other people's babies much either. That is not to say I hate babies, but I go nuts for kittens and puppies but not babies.

    All the time we were looking for a cat and it seemed like we weren't getting anywhere I kept telling Rui, I feel like a sterile mother who can't find a baby to adopt - perverse, I know! Leaving my cats behind when I moved to Portugal was one of the hardest things. I remember crying frequently just because I felt the absence of something furry on my lap - the anguish!

  • edited November -1
    When Noah and I told people we were getting a puppy, I recall being told, "Why don't you just have a baby?"  Wow.  Just have a baby?  There seems to be the attitude that pets and children are interchangeable among some people.  Well, I ended up with both and I can tell you having a child and owning a dog is not the same thing and some people are more suited to one or the other and some people for both.  It's totally personal.
  • edited November -1

    I am with all of you, having kids have never really heald any appeal to me. Right now we are in the stage of "if it happens, so be it" but neither of us really are wanting kids too much. We much prefer our animals and doing things with them. Actually both of us get pretty irritated at restaurants when people bring kids that we feel are not well behaved (ie, loud). But both of us love our cuddly animals. Let's see, now we have 5 house cats (3 of them are indoor/outdoor), 10 barn cats, 1 Shikoku (and another on order), and 6 horses! Where would a kid fit into that mix!

     Luckily in 6 years of marriage, no one (my family or friends) have ever asked if we wanted kids and why don't we have them instead of pets.

  • edited November -1

    Wow..just have a baby? Sure..I wouldn't wanna hear just get a puppy either but still...wow.

    It's like the article I read saying celebrities are having kids nowadays to cash in on the baby photos rather than for the purpose of raising a human being.

  • edited November -1
    Well my babies are my world!!  Chad and I have had kitty almost our whole relationship and have always had a house full.  Chad and I have been together 9 years and married almost 5.  We desperately want children and are now trying.  I have often asked parents at the dog park about their love for their dogs and having kids.  It IRKS me when people tell us we will no longer love our dogs when we have kids, we will want to get rid of them.  Having kids is just giving them a less furry sibling.  Chad and I are still planning for our third and he wants another shiba so bad.  Furbabies are the best.
  • edited November -1
    I didn't love Tojo less when I had Isaac, nor do I love any of my pets less when I get a new one, nor will I love anybody less when the new baby is born.  People who get rid of their dogs because they have babies were irresponsible owners to begin with and probably never had a very good bond with their dogs.  If they really loved their dogs before, then having a baby wouldn't change that.  
  • edited November -1

    Jen and I are the same way - not really sure if we want human kids ever. I actually don't like human kids, to be honest.

    As for the reaction thing... yea, no one in my family gets it. We always get the "you got another dog" or "why don't you stop with the dogs and have a kid". So annoying. Dogs have changed every aspect of Jen and my life, and I NEVER wish they hadn't. Our lives would be so empty without our little buddies.

    I think that is what's cool about forums like this one, you get a sanity check and realize you are not alone when it comes to your furbabies... I mean, we have 6! lol

    Rachael - If you no longer love your dogs when you have a kid I will drive to ATL and kick both of you in crotch! I know I will never have to do that tho... I mean, how could you not love Niko or Sasha? They are so cute. Kitty... well she's a cat. (I am totally kidding guys!)

  • edited November -1
    Brad - LMAO dork. Fine, I'll come get Kitty and take her for myself :P
  • edited November -1

    I don't really like kids either, lol.  A friend of ours had a baby five days before Isaac was born and they asked me if I wanted to hold him and I remember saying no.  It's different when they're your own.  I still don't really like kids and I'm not all gushy over babies.  

    We're only having two kids, which by some people's standards isn't enough.  I know people who want five children or more and they can't believe I'm "only" having two.  Of course, they always describe the situation as me wanting more dogs "instead of" having more children, as if a dog is a child substitute or vice versa.  Then there are the people who are rude to me now because I stopped going to university when I found out I was pregnant and decided to have my two kids and then go back.  Of course, now that I'm talking about finishing my degree I was told by someone that I should "just be a mother" and not try to do anything else.  There are also the people who get on my case for getting a dog and cat before having a baby, because in their mind, that means that I somehow view the pets as more important (not sure how that works).  

    Point being, people just like to be judgemental.  They assume that because one thing works for them that everybody should do it.  They don't want lots of dogs, therefore, it's somehow wrong for someone else to do so.  For me, I want my two children, my education, and a bunch of dogs.  That's what makes me happy and sucks to anyone who tries to give me guff about it.  

  • edited November -1
    Well said Heidi!
  • edited November -1
    yes, very well said Heidi! I think you hit the nail on the head, if it is different than what someone is used to it "strange".
  • edited November -1
    Thank you and Brad...there will be no need for any crotch kicking.  Those girls are my life and I will just be adding to the family.  Kitty has turned into a psycho cat!  She is stalking my mom and harrassing her non stop!!!
  • edited November -1
    Really, does she call you mom on the phone and just breathe? creepy kitty. lol.
  • edited November -1
    Hahahaha now that is a stalker kitty.
  • edited November -1

    Brad you need help!!  LMAO!  How would you know what stalkers do??

    My mom has been here the last month and wont leave her alone.  Right now she is sitting and staring at my mom and has been for the last 20 minutes.  The funny thing is that Kitty used to HATE my mom because she had to live with her for a few months when I had to move out of my apartment and she avoided her like the plague....now kitty has no idea who I am. 

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