Our new puppy at 30 days: Kunoichi (女)



  • @Flamadiddle - Check your messages, I just sent you a link to a few more 'baby pictures' of Kunoichi.

    Enjoy :)
  • Hey just curious, how much does Kuno weigh now?
  • @ashley26: She is 9.7 kg as of tonight!

    @cmpteki: Thanks very much! What a treasure trove! My kids were amazed at how tiny she once was!
  • Oh goodness, B&T Shikoku are so adorable!
  • @Flamadiddle - Happy to hear you were able to see the earlier pics and video. Kunoichi was 384g at birth, so just a wee bit smaller than she is now. :-)

    I can't wait to see her as she grows up. Be sure to keep us up to date and the forum overflowing with B&T Shikoku spam. :D
  • Two recent photos as posted on the Shikoku-Pedigree site and the FB “I love Shikoku” group page:

    photo Kunoichi2_zps278e2101.jpg
    photo Kunoichi_zps9e236340.jpg
  • Very striking girl! I saw her photos on FB already, but she is so pretty, I like seeing them again! I have a Kimi daughter as well (regular black sesame, looks like Kimi and my bitch by Katja's Kuma). She's a lovely dog who loves her people. I am sure your girl will be the same.
  • She is very cute! I really like the black and tan Shikoku. :)

    Where is this Facebook group everyone speaks about? I tried finding it, but I'm facebook dumb. :(
  • You looking for I Love My Shikoku?
  • @sjp051993 - Yessss. :( I'm miserable at finding things on facebook. It's a second language I haven't entirely finished learning.
  • @Crispy

    It is "I love my shikoku" on Facebook. See if this link may work for you https://www.facebook.com/groups/20786780085/

    There is also "proud shikoku owners" on FB, but it is less active and pretty much all the same members anyway.

    If you cannot find it still, friend me (Kris Wilhelm Schuler) and I can share the link with you.
  • @Edgewood @Flamadiddle Thank you!
    Sent my request. :)

    Sorry to steal Kunoichi's thread for a second. :( I look forward to seeing more of her!
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