Shikoku Pedigree Database
As part of an international collaboration to help better understand the Shikoku Ken breed, a pedigree website has been created. This works similar to other public pedigree databases such as PawVillage, except this is specific for the Shikoku Ken breed. Members of the pedigree site will be able to enter in information pertaining to their own dog and it's pedigree.
This will be a great tool for both breeders and pet owners, as breeders can get an idea of how closely line-bred a potential pairing may be, while pet owners can have the joy of seeing which dogs are related to their own. Even in the beginning stages, I was able to find a few of Miyu's uncles and cousins. So please help spread the word and enter your shikoku if you haven't done so already. This is yet another step in the right direction for the preservation and improvement of the Shikoku Ken breed:
This will be a great tool for both breeders and pet owners, as breeders can get an idea of how closely line-bred a potential pairing may be, while pet owners can have the joy of seeing which dogs are related to their own. Even in the beginning stages, I was able to find a few of Miyu's uncles and cousins. So please help spread the word and enter your shikoku if you haven't done so already. This is yet another step in the right direction for the preservation and improvement of the Shikoku Ken breed:
Hopefully Egmato kennel will come around and participate instead of holding out for a perfect world and a DNA test that suits them.
I'd like have shikoku someday in the future.. dream pack shiba shikoku and hokkaido.. haha
I'm trying to fix it.
And a link to part of the registry:
It's currently being used to find ancestors that were carriers for the neurological issues. In my own offsite database, I think I found one.
It's also being used to connect recent dogs with limited pedigrees with older foundation dogs to calculate inbreeding coefficients and % ancestors. I've connected dogs that had multiple Japanese names or no translated names based on NIPPO numbers.
Thirdly, it's being used to estimate subpopulations and find the branches that need to be built up more.
Is there a shikoku dog racing league somewhere in Japan? I found a couple horse racing shikoku names (Shikoku and Shikoku lass), but no dog references.
He probably won't do much racing other than chasing the chihuahuas around, but maybe he needs a cool race name so we can call the action