Arashi aka Katara :) now with PICS :)

I picked up my Shikoku puppy, Sunday evening. We finally settled on Arashi which is storm. She has been doing really good, the worst part is the crate training. We have not caved. She decides to get up at the crack of dawn... which wouldnt be so bad if we werent night owls and stayed up so late. Im gonna try going to bed earlier tonight and set my alarm before dawn. When she starts howling I get up and camp outside the door to her room and wait for 60 secs of dead silence before letting her out. Putting her in there before we leave, she sounds likes we have riped out her soul and stomped all over her little heart -_- Gonna do a lot of crate practice this weekend :/

The cat likes Arashi, I dont really understand why Arashi has been really rough with Shadi today. Shadi just keeps coming back for more tho, silly kitty.

She is really well behaved for a puppy, so long as she has some chewys. Shes pretty good potty training-wise so long as you take her out every 45 mins. Just one mistake, my bf left the room for a while because she passed out on floor. I am little bothered I think she eating to many chewys and not enough kibble. We have orijen, so really smelly farts.

She LOVES leaves and has to roll around in the and rub her face all in them when we go outside. I guess its chillier here than Cali because she does shiver, especially in the morning.

She a little shadow and follows us all over the house, we have plenty of zoomies. She has had some shikoku reactivity towards 2 ppl not sure the trigger. Its not headshyness. But the one that was in our house we had her feed Arashi treats. Then everything was all good.

She has one white paw 2 front dew claws and 2 back dew nails. Im not much of a fan of removing extra stuff. Is really much of a hazard to leave them? I think they cute. My aunt's german shepherd has accident ripped his off once. Pics soon to follow need to find cord, post to flikr, then post on here.


  • Ooh congrats., I can't wait to see kaijus babies!
  • She sounds adorable! Saya screamed in her crate for a while, but she improved with work.

    I knew she didn't need to potty.

    If she did I waited for her to be silent then leash her up to potty..

    Can't wait to see pictures.
  • Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures :)
  • edited November 2012
    Glad you got her safe and sound. I'm not going to lie, there's some re-programming you'll have to do with her because she wasn't reactive much until around 6.5 weeks old and Kurenai (her mom) started doing this. First Kurenai liked Kiyoshi (1st born), and then she started liking Arashi more.

    I don't think I've ever introduced the puppies to people that they didn't like so it's interesting they reacted to a few people. Hope you enjoy her as much as I did when I watched her grow up.

  • Awww thanks Jesse I thoroughly enjoy her :)

    Its totally not a big deal shes fine with them if they feed her goodies so im sure it wont take too much to reprogram her.

    So my getting up before her plan was foiled... she heard me pick up a jacket on the way to her crate. Then she started her monkey noises, which arent as loud as the howls but are in more rapid succession. Not sure if thats better or worse.

    so new plan try same thing tomorrow but keep all my warm stuff in my room.
  • That's awesome I she's super cute!
  • Congrats :)!
  • Finally got the video to embed based off of the old YouTube embed code.

    Here's the full playlist of all the little rugrats.
  • Our dog loves all things leaves, trees, rocks, grass, and dirt. Funny that way...
  • Photo11271339

    outside sniffing


    ghost dog -_- she just avoided the perfect shot



    bored at the vets office.... she went shikoku reactive all over the vet tech and vet later. (not the usual vet I see but his partner)


    studying hard... fell asleep on my inorganic stuff
  • edited November 2012
    Congrats! She's way cute! Be grateful that she's chewing on chews and not on you! lol
  • Oh I AM especially after hearing your horror stories...she actually is pretty soft mouthed too ;)
  • I love those pictures.
  • She's so cute!
  • They grow up pretty fast:-). I'm glad to hear she has a soft mouth. They were very mouthy from 5 weeks on and I took some time to make sure they knew that mouthing on my fingers was okay as long as it wasn't hard (I'd yelp really loud like a hurt puppy if they did). They reacted well and applied less pressure.

  • She looks so sweet!
  • I'm super late to this... I guess I overlooked it. She is so cute! She reminds me of baby Kaiju.

    It's really neat how Kaiju has touched so many lives on the forum now. He was a community effort to get him to Taos, then he went to live with Theresa and hangs with all the SoCal Shikoku peeps. Now he's spawned Momokaiju to continue his NK community domination...

  • Momokaiju lol
  • She's gorgeous. Gotta love the furry nanimals.
  • @brada1878 and u have a momokaiju of your own!
  • @ttddinh - That's right! I do! :o) (I have some new pics of him too...)
  • Arashi is so cute! Great photos. :)
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