Just Juno!- November refresh



  • edited January 2013
    Wow, I gotta say Juno is one of the prettiest Kai brindles I have ever seen! I LOVE that she's so socialized ( I hope to get my JA to the same level ).

    It must be amazing to live close to hiking trails! :) Juno must have tons of fun!
  • Wow, I LOVE Juno!! CGC and lure coursing! Super cool! And yes, her brindle is BEAUTIFUL. I also love that she loves to swim! :) How is she for when she has to take baths or when you have to cut her nails?
  • Im looking for her nail trim video, I thought I put it on fb... hmm...
    short answers are - I havent given her a formal bath- she always smells great- though I do comb her regularly. She likes that and gets this blissed out look on her face. Esp when i comb her mane and chest, She is less enthused when i get to the tail. She is the BEST at nail trims! when I find the video, i'll link to it.
  • Oh that's so interesting about smelling great because Hana smells awesome all the time!!! It's SO weird because she has NO doggy stink to her AT ALL. It's really throwing me off. Almost like she doesn't exist! I bury my face in her fur and inhale deep to see what she smells like, and weeks have gone by and she remains the same. No smell! Must be a Kai thing.

    Awww Juno sounds like a complete doll! I love her lots! :)
  • "She is less enthused when i get to the tail" Saya is same way she is OK with brushing all over except tail even light brushing. hehe

    She loves it when I brush her neck Saya is in heaven. :)

    I just love her brindling and face.

    Saya my shiba doesn't smell bad either her coat is pretty mud resistant once it dries off it comes off easy.

    Saya only gets bath during times she blows her coat or if we get really dirty which isn't often as she likes stay clean.

    Can't wait to see more nice pictures of the Jujubeast.
  • edited January 2013
    It IS a kai thing, or perhaps an NK thing? Both my kai and my half-kai smell wonderful naturally...

    can you see this video? Its on facebook, but its set to 'public'

    Juno's famous nail trimming video:
  • Aww, that's just adorable! What an awesome dog.

    Conker has only stank when I first got him. He was eating supercrappy food then, but nowadays he only gets a very mild doggish odor when he eats certain kibbles. Right now he smells pretty great.
  • @wrylybrindle what a doll!!!! I love her so much!! You can see how she got a little uncomfortable near the end, but it was totally like she was at a salon just getting her nails did. :)
  • yeah, she was licking and yawning by then (its a long time to be doing this), but Ill take that vs struggling and screaming. :) I'm really pleased with how tolerant she is.
  • She is such a good girl! I agree... I would take licking and yawning ANYDAY over screaming and struggling!
  • edited March 2013
    here's Indiana Junes...

    photo 100_9331_zps807620b7.jpg

    I just love her!

    photo 100_9329_zpseba1792a.jpg
  • She's so gorgeous. I know everybody says this, but I absolutely love her coloring! Her brindling is so bright even just looking at photos!
  • Love those two pictures. :)
  • Juno does have amazing coloring. :) Her stripes are so clllllleeeean!

    Also... I like the Woodchuck cameo. ;)
  • Jujubeast! <3 :D ~
  • She is gorgeous. So poised.
  • Very nice pictures, Thanks
  • Pretty Juno :)
  • gahhh! sooo petty!!! :x
  • She's so beautiful! I want to have a Kai girl one day! :)

    Re: the smell, yes, I think all the NKs smell pretty good, but I also think it has so much to do with what they eat...good quality food means good smelling dog! Leo did have a funk for awhile though--right about when he hit puberty full on. I described it as his teen-age boy funk. It went away thankfully!
  • She is so pretty....like her mom Haru! I LOVE how athletic she is!
  • photo Jooge_zpsb91cbb2a.jpg

    well, my camera considers 'in focus' to be a relative term, so squint your eyes a little and there's our girl! Juno in May. :)

    photo 100_9759_zps0fa6ecc6.jpg

    Juno on another stripey rock
    photo 100_9785_zps1509adc6.jpg

    She's a good digger, too.
    photo 100_9673_zpse7b0cc58.jpg
  • I adore Juno's tail.
  • So shiny coat! <3 She looks like a real tiger!
  • I am such a juno-fan! Thanks for the update!
  • Ah!! All BEAUTIFUL photos!! <3 <3 <3
  • Juno's pretty as always :)
  • Juno is a very beautiful girl !! I love the color !!!
  • ahhhh Junooo~~~ *hearts hearts hearts* my fave girl!! :D
  • Juno! <3 ~
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