My 4mo JA ate a dried starfish >_<

edited December 2012 in Akita (秋田犬)
Last night, I was doing some cleaning in the house and let my 4 months old JA, Happy free play in the enclosed patio of my house. When I went to check on her, I noticed she was chewing a dried starfish, which I intended to throw away. There was only one leg left of the starfish. The size of the starfish was about an average person's palm. I'm still puzzled how she found that.

I looked up on the web and found info about most starfish are non-poisonous. But I'm not sure what kind of reactions Happy may have later.

She drank a lot of water last nite and slept around 11pm. This morning around 6:30 I walked her out to the backyard to take care her business, she seems fine, no diarrhea or vomitting so far.

I am still very nervous about this. Does anybody have any knowledge about this??? Thank u very much!


  • edited December 2012
    If Happy is pooping, eating, playing, and sleeping (in order of importance) like normal, then she is fine. Especially the pooping part.

    I would just watch her closely. You'll know if something is wrong. And I would try to encourage her to drink water, just be on the safe side. Maybe I'm superstitious, but I feel like water would flush the toxins out of her body quicker and keep her hydrated. I pretty much swear by water. I think it cures cancer ;)

    If i had to be concerned about something, I would probably be either a) worried about preservatives, if any, i have no idea, and b) blockage. But like I said, if she is pooping and eating and playing like normal, then there is no blockage. You would know. I think.

  • my sis' dog was eating tidibits along the wrack line at the beach. He later pooped out a whole crab claw. It may pass.
  • @jellyfart, thanks. I am also not sure if there was any preservatives on the starfish, but I doubt it tho, I dunno. I paid special attention to her poop this morning and saw some white pieces being there, I believe that must be from the starfish. Like @WrylyBrindle says, it may pass. I hope so...
  • Why not speak to your regular vet? Mine are always great when I become an "overprotective/concerned" parent. :P
  • @_Ryan_, I did call my vet earlier, he said he had other dog parents with the same situation once in a while. He said the dog should be fine if it all pass through the stomach. It shouldn't be poisonous. But if a dog eats a frog or something, that might be dangerous. I feel better now.
  • reminds me of when Toki eats egg shells. He gets white speckles in his poop. (too much info? i'm eating dinner, so seems like it at the moment, hehe)
  • @jellyfart, my puppy also tried to eat the egg shells once, I stopped her right away. Can the egg shells cause them an upset stomach? it is non-digestable...These little kids always do crazy stuff. Lol
  • Egg shells are a good source for calcium, there is no worry if your dogs like them. :-)
  • edited December 2012
    @kylelin nah, egg shell is okay! it has never had a negative affect on Toki. It is probably good source of calcium and fiber, something like that.
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