Puppies in Japanese pet stores

edited March 2008 in General

Does anyone know if this is considered "ok" in Japan? Do the dogs in pet stores in Japan come from reputable breeders or is it the same story as the US.

I'm asking because I have seen a few breeders in Japan who appeared very reputable but sell their pups in "pet stores" <- this could be a translation issue too.


  • edited March 2008

    There is some problem with pet stores and generally dogs / cats in Japan. Please read this info here:

    http://www.arkbark.net/e/htm/news_events/one.cgi?id=82e/eone (WARRNING: CRUEL PICTURES)

    Also there is whole story aobut dogs and cats in Japan

    http://www.arkbark.net/e/index.htm section Animal Welfare/ Back Ground

    Please read info esspecialy about so called hokensho - I was shocked when I have read that in some japanese pet shops have cages outside where people are encouraged to dump their
    'old dog' and replace it with a new puppy from inside the shop!!!

    But this is only one SAD side, there are also people and organisations devoted to preserve dogs, this organistaions (NIPPO, DOKENHO, AKIHO) have very strict code of breeding policy and high moral standards.

  • edited November -1

    WOW! That is horrible stuff!!! I am shocked! I thought it was bad in America. I had heard about some of the issues in Japan but never got a clear understand - thank you so much for that site... it most certainly clears it up.


  • edited November -1
    Wow thats really bad. Cry
  • edited November -1
    Bah don't get me started with animal ownership and Japan. No different from the US.
  • edited November -1
    That is really awful!! Those poor babies.
  • edited November -1
    That is really disturbing. I had no idea how bad it is there. Frown
  • edited November -1

    i'm sure when people from other countries see how the US is with
    dogs and breeding and puppy mills and 'designer dogs and their
    socialites' they are disgusted too. 


  • edited November -1

    I wish you were right Jennifer, but with the exception of England, most countries are actually far worse than the US. Now that in no way is to imply that US does not commit numerous abominations towards animals. Puppy mills are a teeny tip of the iceberg. Look at factory farms. For gods sake PETA  euthanizes 90% of the animals they "rescue" (Yell don't get me started on PETA) .

    People are cruel. PERIOD.  

  • edited November -1

    Japan is really bad with it's designer dogs...for example, they try to breed a blue color chihuahua, and to to that, will repetitively inbreed fathersxdaughters, etc. This type of breeding for one trait has led to some reallllly serious genetic defects/mutations. They have rescues over there just for the rejected products of that breeding (like dogs that can only go in a circle - their entire life). It can get pretty bad.

    On the good side, there are breeders in Japan that are very dedicated to the preservation and protection of their breed. There are many that will not even sell to someone who is not Japanese, or outside Japan. 

  • edited November -1
    As sad as it is, it's only the US or Japan or Portugal. It's spread everywhere, there are always some people that just don't see how a dog or a cat or any kind of animal can be important and should have his rights. The expression "It's just a dog" or "just a cat" is far too common in people's thoughts and words. I wonder how they would react if someone would tell them their child was "just a kid, so you can kick him around. There are plenty of them". Irresponsibility thrives when it comes to "breeding" dogs, any two people that have a male and a female, see themselves as "breeding" because they allowed the two of them to "get it on". I just heard of such a case today, with St Bernards, and the guy telling me this saw it as the most normal thing. His sister had a male, the neighbour had a female, and they thought they would let them mate. That was all it took. Ignorance and irresponsibility are a dangerous cocktail, especially if combined with lack of modesty. And that cocktail seems to be more common that most people care to admit. Unfortunately.
  • edited November -1

    In Akita Inu, japanese breeder are not like breeder in Europe or USA.

    The kennel in Japan are differents: Big cage in metal or wood, the dog is juts out for few minutes.

    Akita Dogs in Japan is like an item, not an animal.... It's special.

    I was see lot of Akita Inu import from Japan, and all of them are not in good health because of the breeding condition in Japan.

    When I 've little time, I put up here some photos of Japanese kennel.... ;-/


  • edited November -1

    grandemu:There are some blue Chihuahua in france, like this:



    Is this the color you say?

  • edited November -1
    Katja told me that the Japanese breeders have a totally different philosophy toward dogs than we do, like Chanur said.  She said one of her dogs had some nasty skin problems from poor diet and being in a small cage when she got it, but now it's fine.  I can't remember which dog that was... I think it was Retsu.  
  • edited November -1

    Ryu also came from Japan and I must say that he has got no problem at all

    It depence from the place they come from I think 

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