VetGen DNA Profile - Available/For Sale
Hey everyone. At the beginning of last month I purchased a DNA profile from VetGan for one of my puppies. I ended up deciding not to use it. If anyone would like to buy it off me, the price is $40 USD. I will send you the cheek swabs and forms. You get samples from your dog and mail it directly to VetGen.
I have heard from Shigeru that it is rarely done. I have heard the shipping costs from Japan would be more than buying yourself a second dog!
I think it's a cool option anyway!
@jeffnkazuko what have you heard about the costs? It seems like shipping mojo would be cheaper than shipping a dog. I mean, it's just mojo.
possibly quite a bit more.
It could be useful to anyone else in another breed who owns a stud male and wants to make him available, though. Some organizations require DNA profiling with AI. Also some registries require that imports be DNA profiled in order to be registered with that kennel club.