Off-Lead Kai Ken



  • @brada1878 Dude next time you go hunting you should strap it to your chest, that'd be pretty intense hearing your heartbeat rise as you get closer to the shot/action. Just missing a rifle and I'd swear we were watching a clip from Battlefield 3: Hiking Edition lol.
    Great video! Do you not put bells on them when hiking off-lead?
  • @cezieg - Nope, I don't do the bells anymore. Their collars jingle loud enough for me...
  • @brada1878 I'm glad Nio went home. That's scary!

    I've been working with Mika and I can get her to come to me from around 100 feet away. She comes running right back but I've been working her in a baseball field that's fenced in. We will see what her progress is before I do any serious off leash hiking with her. Her prey drive is too high right now to let her off leash. She actually climbed a pool fence, jumped in, and got a duck yesterday. Lucky for the duck that she knows leave it and dropped it from her mouth.

    Koda is so good that I can walk him on the streets off leash. He knows go left, right, and straight for when we come to corners. When I tell him to hold and wait he will. I don't expect any other Kai to be like him. He won't even chase a squirrel or cat when I tell him not to. I just say leave it and its over.
  • Not a Kai, but I wanted to contribute. :)

    Off-lead Malamute.
    London doesn't range too far and doesn't like falling behind. When I catch up, he bolts a little bit ahead, but never goes out of sight.

    He knows his name means "watch me" and a whistle means "wait". His recall was pretty spot-on here, but it isn't ALWAYS that great (especially when he catches scent of something like a fox or a coyote).

  • I have been working with Shelby and she is doing fantastic! Prey drive? What prey drive? She never leaves my side. Even when I let her out front and she goes crazy running, she has a specific turnaround spot about 10 feet away and she runs right to me without being called.

    Raccoons nearby? Just some good sightseeing for her. She just likes to run after leaves that blow around, but she only gets about 10 feet away and comes back to bring me her leaf. It seems like she just feels uncomfortable getting more than 10 feet away from me. I really couldn't ask for a better puppy than Shelby.

    Now if I could get her to teach my Shiba this little trick. Had to pull Mya off a slug trail and literally drag her back in the house today. Last time she ate one she didn't feel so hot later on...
  • edited April 2013

    Here's a vid of Hana getting some off leash time. I know in my gut that she won't run away, but because there is always a "you never say never" factor, I try not to push my luck. She totally blossoms when she's off leash in the woods though. It's where her heart belongs. Recall is generally okay, but I love that she waits for me and checks in with me before running off.
  • edited April 2013
    All of this info is super cool and reassuring. We just started taking Kona off lead around small trails, on the beach and around our (gated) community -- i would NOT trust her right now around a semi-busy street. O_o

    But she has been doing very well and has no interest in taking fact, she gets to a certain distance and is like "oh CRAP! Mom's all the way over THERE!!" and TAKES off for me as fast as she can hahaha :D She does get a little scared of random people on trail so she'll come kinda stand by me, which isnt bad I dont think, but I wish she would be more trusting of them! They try and pet her and she kinda shys away a little like "meeeh idk about youuu". But then some people she just FREAKS out over and LOVES!! weirdo :P

    My friend who is watching her Tuesdays and Thursdays actually takes her off lead by the Engineering buildings and plays fetch with her on the big green lawn in between them all...he tells me she walk up to some random people and sniff them, follow real closely, then if they turn around SHE turns around like "What? I wasn't doing anything." lol

    If we have treats, there's no way we can get rid of her even if we wanted :P

    So glad I can trust her off lead so she can sniff bushes at will now on our hikes and take her time ^_^ Also good to know mom and dad are great as well!
  • She looks so happy @thegela! :)
  • @thegela Hana is so cute! It's nice to hear she enjoys her off-leash time.

    Man, all these off-leash Kai stories make me wish I could hire you all to train Meitou to be off-leash. I don't know if I'm up to it. lol
  • @brada1878 Yeah! She totally loves the woods! She's the brightest and happiest in there. She also seems to respect and appreciate the freedom I give her. It's like she got wings or something. :)

    @whobitme awww Thank you! She super loves off leash time.

    But to be honest, I can't take the credit. I didn't train Hana specifically to be reliable off leash. She's a super independent dog, and not eager to please. She's not really food/treat/reward motivated either so simple commands like "sit and down" can be a hit or miss. Training specifically for something advanced like being off leash wasn't something I could do in my power. It's more her personality, and her preference to make sure I'm close by. Of course, when she checks in, I reinforce it with praise, and then she's satisfied and goes bounding off again, but I think it was a balance of me trusting her and her trust in me. I guess it's like our bond that makes her reliable? It all depends on the individual dog and it certainly applies in this case.
  • @thegale GAH! I'm so freaking happy for you!!!! I'm so glad things with Hana are working out and that she is blossoming into an awesome pooch for you! I knew you could do it!!! I knew you would figure something out! :) I love how she trusts you and looks at you for reassurance! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
  • @hinata23 awww thank you Cecillia!! Honestly a huge part if my success with her are the encouraging emails from you! :')
  • @thegela I'm glad ChoCho's story helped you out!
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