Shikokus and water

Hi everyone,

I am going to (hopefully) be getting a Shikoku from Katja in the fall.  I was wondering how they are with water.  Are they generally pretty happy to go swimming or do they avoid water.  I live about 2 minutes from the beach, where there are some great trails, so I thought I'd ask so I have a bit of an idea of what to expect.




  • edited November -1
    We have water on our property and Rakka likes to play in it.  She doesn't go swimming, though, she just goes in up to her belly, but no further.  
  • edited November -1

    Hmm. Well my 7 month old Shikoku will not even wade into water. I have a little creek with a nice entrance and he doesn't want to go into it. Funny since my Siberians all loved water and would either wade and/or swim (2 of them really liked to swim).



  • edited November -1
    We have been taking Sora to the ocean over the last week, and she will not go in. She'll follow the wave out as it recedes, and lick the sand, but she backs up just ahead of the wave as it comes in. Once she wasn't paying attention, and the wave came in around her feet before she could move, and she jumped straight up in the air! We have a video (we'll have lots of stuff to post once we find the stupid cord to connect the camera to the computer) of her leaping across a stream going through the beach to the ocean. Tag loves water - he likes to do the frog lay down in water, so he was doing that, but she refused. She does love the beach though, well, except for when the sand keeps shifting out from under her feet - if it does that for a while, she gets an irritated look on her face.
  • edited April 2008
    Ahi hate water - she doesnt scream like a Shiba might, but she wants nothing to do with it.
  • edited November -1
    She should be good in Taos then! (at least most of the year...maybe not so much in river/road season).
  • edited November -1
    I know - so true! This is a rather dry place except during the thaw.
  • edited November -1
    Tommy. We have a reader for the card in our camera. I don't know where Kurt got it, but you probably could just go to Best Buy.
  • edited November -1

    Chris, where do you live?

    We take Tenji to the beach and he loves running along the shoreline but will not go into the water.  He is terrified of the outdoor garden hoses but he wasn't afraid as a puppy. He will drink from the water fountains in the park but overall he is not a fan of water.    Baths.....forget about it!

  • edited November -1
    I live in Powell River, British Columbia.  Just a one hour ferry ride away from Katja. 
  • edited November -1

    So, we finally found the wire for the camera. Anyways, here are some pics. Once the videos are uploaded onto youtube, I'll post them.




  • edited April 2008

    Here are the videos

    Sora crossing a stream at the beach

    Tag and Sora at the beach


  • edited November -1
    It looks like Sora is chasing the tide!  Chad asked me if I am sure I want an Akita...he is wanting a shikoku more and more...I know in our lifetime we will have a Kai and Shikoku also...
  • edited November -1
    Ya, she likes licking the water, and going after it, but doesn't like it around her feet...or anywhere else.
  • edited November -1

    Hehe. That must have been a lot of fun!

    That leap over the stream reminds me of how Lucy reacts whenever we take a walk in the rain. The first few times we went, you could tell she was trying really hard to figure out how she could keep walking with me without having to touch the water.

  • edited November -1
    Sora has actually been getting better about the water. She doesn't love it like Tag does, but she'll run out into a wave, and let it go around her feet. So, the waves aren't so scary to her now. She's still not a fan of water touching her tummy - she'll still leap up straight up in the air when that happens. If this keeps up, she might become a water-loving dog!
  • edited November -1
    Well, Kuma is behind Sora then -- still hates water. He jumps across our creek just like Sora did in the video. The few times I have set him in the creek (which I am in too), he looks miserable and tries to walk out just like a cat would, shaking each foot and dreading putting it back in the water. He usually only takes as many steps till he can make a big leap out to the bank.
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