edited March 2013 in Akita (秋田犬)
Let me introduce one of my fav dog in korea.
photo mitsu4_zps7fcb509c.jpg
photo mitsu3_zps985e82c2.jpg
photo mitsu_zps81a4e4f6.jpg
photo mitsu2_zps9d0f4bc5.jpg


-122th Akiho Headqarter Show Yoken Class A 3rd Award
-5th Akiho Chugoku.Setonai branch show Wakainu Class 1st Award
Sire: TENCHOMARU GO(Meiyo Sho Award)

he is also Korean Champion.

He finished champion in korea and owner sent him to Japan to attend more Akiho show.

He will start attending branch show on April and targeting for Meiyosho at HQ show in May.

I'm excited to see him showing again in Japan.

Very nice color and his head is one of the best that I ever saw from japanese Akita.(my point of view).

Hopely I can see his offspring in U.S.A.


  • How old is he in the picture? Seems young?
  • JA in snow... sigh... so pretty...
  • edited March 2013
    He is full mature in this picture. His head is great. Thin bones. Im expecting good pup from him with thick female.
    I think he has best head. Overall expression is good and color coat is excellent. From what i saw. He produce better female than male.
  • I like this guy, especially the 2nd and 4th pictures. I'm not much of an Akita person, but he is very handsome!
  • aykayk
    edited March 2013
    If he's fully mature, the trait I would like improved on is his chest or maybe his front assembly. In all the pictures, he's standing so his front legs forms an "A" instead of being straight down.

  • Bahaha.... ;)
  • I friggen love this dog. Mitsu is my favorite red male. THAT FACE
  • Not an akita person but his chest looks awfully thin to me, love his deep red though.
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