So Cute...

edited April 2008 in General

And yet, so Annoying..



  • edited November -1
    hahahaha. we have this fabric ball that has four arms and each arm has a squeak. Its so annoying.
  • edited November -1

    Kuma's mouth just got big enough for him to squeeze a toy Silvia gave us when we picked him up. It's a rubbery plastic football with rope that goes through it forming a loop on one side and a knot on the other. The ball has a squeaker that only squeaks if it's squeezed quickly. Yesterday at bed time he did it a few times, but he quit. Thankfully.

    So I dread the day where I will feel your pain, hehehe. But it's still cute... 

  • edited November -1
    Rest assured, Leon. Not all dogs are so...focused on squeaky toys. Mika will play with her for a few minutes and walk away. Keigo's max was just over 2 hours. FUN!!!
  • edited November -1

    I love how they trade toys a few minutes in! Lucy and Joey have been doing the same thing. :-)

    I could not allow them to play with squeaky toys for that long. Luckily Lucy doesn't have much interest in making them squeak and so far Joey's jaw doesn't appear to be big/strong enough! Otherwise, I would have to start controlling access to toys a little better. I lean more toward the annoying side than the cute side on this one :-P

  • edited November -1
    Kurt does too. I find it utterly entertaining. Most of the time, I don't watch tv. Just have it on in the background while I'm on the computer. So the squeak is just white noise for me.
  • edited November -1
    LOL Barbara.  That is exactly the reason why I have banned squeaky toys from my house!
  • edited November -1
    Awe. How could I possibly take away something he loves so much. He's my baby!!! And the good dog. And he's so happy when he plays with squeaky's. Plus, he carries it around all over the house. Such a happy boy!!!
  • edited November -1

    Are those the Bad Cuz toys?  They have the loudest squeak ever.


  • edited November -1
    My tattoo artists OLD friend designs the Cuz toys. I LOVE THE MUMMY AND FRANKEN_CUZ!
  • edited November -1
    I have GOT to get those for Niko....she LOVED the ones that Brad and Jen had
  • edited November -1
    Yes, it is a Bad Cuz toy. He LOVES them and they totally last. He plays with them for 1 - 2 hours a day and it's survived a full week!!!! Jessica, tell them the toys are AWESOME.
  • edited November -1
    He has a myspace. He is in Moto's top friends.
  • edited November -1
    I forget how easily big dogs destroy things.  Nemo loved his for like a week, now plays with it here and there. 
  • edited November -1
    LMAO!!! We've been home for an hour and Keigo has been playing with his squeaky the whole time. I'm sure he's been playing it all day!!! So cute. Kurt's already yelling at him. What's cuter is when Kurt calls Keigo to come and Keigo takes his toy with him!! I can't help loving it. He's so happy.
  • edited November -1
    I love Keigo! Him and I are boys. But he wouldn't get that damn toy in this house. Wink
  • edited November -1
    We have a few moments of silence (5 minutes so far). Kurt is hoping he won't start again. He keeps moving around the house. Obviously, it's really bad when he's in the LR with us, but he's really all over the house.
  • edited November -1
    Oh, he had to pee. He started again.Tongue out
  • edited November -1

    Take the squeaker out and then your dog will continue to "squeak" it in the attempt to make it "unbroke", lol. Or buy yourself some earplugs! I wonder what it is about the noise that is so intriguing? They could go on for hours...and hours when they are bored.


  • edited November -1
    That doesn't work. Once it stops squeaking, he'll try it a couple of times, but then walks away and leaves it....forever.  Besides which, this is not a stuffed animal. It's kind of like a Kong toy. It seems like there is a squeaker. It's more like the whole toy is a squeaker.
  • edited November -1
    PS...I think it's over. It's been 2.5 hours. Oh, scratch that, he just picked it up again. We had about 15 minutes of silence, LOL. He's so cute, but I think Kurt might go bald pulling his hair out.
  • edited November -1
    i cant wait to get that toy for Niko.  We have a toy box that CLOSES and when we have had enough or we want toys to actually have a life we put them in there.  We have to close it tightly though, niko's strong little nose can pry it open.
  • edited November -1
    I love the sound. Is that crazy? It's the sound  of my baby boy happy. I such a sucker for him.
  • edited November -1

    I just watched the video and I nearly fell out of my chair - not because of the squeaking (that's one of Jazz's favorite things to do), but because Jazz went insane trying to find who had HER squeaky toy.

  • edited November -1
    LMAO!!! Jazz is hilarious.
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