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  • edited November -1

    That's a good story - I got to thinking this weekend about therapy dogs - anyone know of a shiba that's passed the certification to become a therapy dog?

  • edited November -1
    Glacier: I'm very impressed by your restraint. I would have completely lost it if that kid had kicked my dog. After I would have been done, I'm sure the kid would have wished I had kicked him back rather then yell at him.

    Kelly, that's a great story! It sounds like the first set of cops saw right through your story but just didn't care. Is that true? Either way, that's really cool. I guess that kinda thing only works if you commit to it 100% and don't mind going home if it doesn't work out. Sounds like you guys pulled it off! :-)
  • edited November -1
    Glacier - "He's just a kid, he doesn't know any better" would've gotten a response from me saying, "So I should let my dog bite him because he's just a dog and doesn't know any better."
  • edited November -1
    kwyld- permits to have kids would definitely cut down on the number of annoying kids annoying our dogs. heck, it would also help with this world's overpopulation problem, since I bet not everyone would pass to get a permit.

    dlouisroberts-  thanks, and yes,  it was very difficult to restrain myself. Especially since I have a short temper sometimes. But there was a policeman in line too, buying cat food. I knew if I started letting my anger out it would just end up with the kid getting defended and me in possible trouble. Darn, everyone always has to defend the little kids. I don't even think they're cute.

  • edited November -1
    Last night at the dog park there was a GSD mix who was getting along fine with all the dogs, especially tsuki, playing, chasing, it was fun to watch such a big dog be so gentle with Tsuki..

    Anyway, along comes this intact standard poodle and his owner, who walked the premises on his leash before deciding to let her dog run free. He goes directly to the GSD (3 feet away from me and his owner) in his face, the GSD was making clear uncomfortable body movements, then I saw teeth, I picked up Tsuki and said to the poodle owner "you better get your dog" she says "He's only saying 'HI'", I step back, making sure Kitsune is on the other side of the park, turn back to watch the GSD and poodle tension..
    ...then there was a split second of silence....
    and BAM! Dog Fight between lunging Poodle and GSD, a good minute or so fight, although it seemed longer.
    I felt it, I felt that moment JessicaRabbit said you should feel before a fight. But the poodle owner didn't believe me. I could have showed her my Shiba arm bite or my JRT bite from a few years ago.. I know what I'm saying from trial and error (see scars!) and really good advice (thanks Nihon Ken forum!)
    So she gets her dog back on leash, the GSD owner exclaiming she should have a muzzle on her dog, the poodle owner saying the GSD owner should have a muzzle on herself, then the poodle and his idiot left.
    Holy wow.
  • edited November -1
    If your dog has balls, keep him out of the dogpark. It almost always leads to trouble.

    Good for you, for picking up on what was going on and removing yourself (and dog), and even being nice enough to give warning to the idiot owner.
  • edited November -1
    wow - I had not read your post Jen, that's crazy! I'm with Brandon, keep your intact dogs [male or female] out of the dogs park [stupid poodle owner!!!]!


    So Jen, Loa, Kona and I met an idiot today...

    We went on a hike in Carson National Forrest, up in the mountains - it was a really pretty day, tho the trail we took kinda sucked.

    Anyway, as we were leaving the trail we cam across 2 random off leash dogs. One was a HUGE white lab [must have been 130lb!] and one was a chow mix (maybe?). The trail started at a camp ground, the owner of these two dogs was in the port-a-potty and her dogs were just left unattended outside [right by the highway too].

    The white lab was off to the right of the trail in some tallish grass, clearly waiting to pounce or charge us and the other was over closer to the toilet. As we walked closer I noticed the body language of the white Lab looking a little like it was planning to charge us, but we just kept walking. At this point the owner walks out of the potty and calls her dogs - they don't listen.

    As we approach the white lab, he starts to get into charging positron (ears forward, chest puffed out, head low) to charge at me and Kona [Jen is behind us with Loa], I immediately point at the dog and yell "NO!" & "BACK!" - well this totally set Kona off, he was pissed. He is not ok with being charged I guess, so Kona starts barking... for his size he has a pretty intimidating bark. The white male lab backs off [he had already started backing off when I yelled at him, Kona really didn't need to join in, but I didn't mind so much].

    Then the lady calls her dogs and gives us a look like "I can't believe how rude your dogs is" or something. So Jen stops and says "He's actually great with dogs, he can just be a little loud" and the lady goes [rolling her eyes and being demeaning and sarcastic] "yea, I can see that...". Man that pissed me off, so I said "Well, our dogs are on leash, and your dog did charge us!"...

    She motions at us in a dismissing way and walks off while saying "good boy" to her big dumb lab.

    The off leash thing is a constant problem here in Taos, and we are always the ones that get the shitty looks even tho our dogs are on lead. Man that makes me mad!

  • edited November -1
    I swear one day I am just going to walk around with a bunch of leashes, and every off leash dog I encounter I am going to harness and walk away with. I am so sick of it.
  • edited November -1
    that lady was ridiculous! who does that?? WHY IS it SO HARD to stick a leash on your dog?? Just do it!

    We took Hachi to a family picnic today and they're all saying "just let the leash go, relax, she won't go anywhere" and i'm like.. look its not even that the dog WILL run away, I chose to bring her out with me, I'll be responsible - lets leave it at that!!

    grrr. idiots.
  • edited June 2008
    ... people leave their dogs off leash all the time at the dog park, I mean like ... outside of the park, in the parking lot and in the surrounding area. It does say to keep dogs on leash until they're in the fenced area, but no one listens. One of these days, one will get hit by a car coming in, and it will only be the owners fault. People need to take responsibly for their animals, or don't own them at all. I'm always disgusted at why people bring aggressive and not friendly dogs to the park. The owners made them act that way, so whats the point of bringing them into public for everyone else to deal with?

    The other day when I was at the dog park, Toby was totally cool playing with all the other dogs and a greyhound attacked him and he was screaming. The owner just grabbed their dog, and didn't correct their dog or apologize to me. I had to leave and go to the other side. Second the greyhounds left, went back over, since my friend was there with her two dogs and thats the only reason I was in with the big dogs. And then Toby was totally fine. I don't know what it is with the greyhounds, but I cannot trust them at all. Those two were high prey driven, and theres another one that comes to the park that wears a muzzle. If they can't be trusted, they shouldn't be there. Toby has every right to enjoy playing with the big dogs. Sometimes hes too tough with the little dogs.
  • edited November -1
    This sounds awful. I hope I don't have this problem when I get my little guy. [ though I'm sure it's bound to happen ]

    Methinks we should take a newspaper, roll it up, & thwack all the owners who refuse to leash their dogs. [ after all, it's really not the dog's fault they're not on lead. ]

    If anyone has ever watched "The People's Court," this topic kind of reminds me of some of the cases they have on there. [ People not having their dogs on leash & as a result dog's fighting, then the owners sue each other for vet bills & for the animals pain & suffering. ] Just a shame. :\ ~
  • edited November -1
    That really sucks.

    We had a "Lab problem" too yesterday. We took Kuma to the usual park, and at a certain point, this guy with his off leash Lab (seriously, Labs have to be the breed that I see more off leash). I think "great another dog, Kuma gets to socialize". And for that the Lab was ok.Then he got the smell of the treats I always have in the pouch where I take the stuff that I need for Kuma (poop bags, tissue paper, clicker, treats, etc.) The Lab jumps on me insistently, I'm lifting my knee gently and backing off to see if he gets the message but nothing. And the owner silent the whole time. This continued for about a minute, until I had enough, and pushed the Lab down by the shoulders and pressed kind of hard and told him DOWN. Then the owner says "Come on, behave" but with a lack of confidence that would make me laugh in his face if I was his dog. At this point, another guy comes with his Lab on leash, and he had a tennis ball. The first Lab jumped the guy until he just dropped the ball, and the owner said nothing, again.

    I didn't say anything to the guy, cause I got kind of pissed off, and I wouldn't have been anywhere near polite.
  • edited November -1
    Rui it's ok to not be polite in that situation.

    A co-worker of my wife, her cocker spaniel was attached by an off leash lab just last week. Poor dog is full of stitches, and has drains coming off the wounds. The owners of the lab are paying for the vet bills and are thinking of putting it down. The odd thing is, that it was playing with two other cocker spaniels when they walked by, and it just turned and attacked.

    People are really bad about leaving their dogs unleashed outside of our dog park too. And the Greyhounds almost always wear muzzles at our place too. People bring them out in groups and they run around with each other really hard. However their skin is really thin, so soft bites that might not get through the fur of other dogs will cut open a Greyhound. So that is one reason for the muzzle, the other reason is that they see a lot of small dogs as prey.
  • edited November -1
    WOW i hate dumb people

    Stephen took Zoie to the vet on Monday and some guys had a pit bull that had given birth to puppies and was severely underweight. He asked Stephen if he knew why she was so skinny and he mentioned that maybe the dog needed some prenatal care and more feeding to support feeding 8 puppies. The owner was like yeah i figured but didnt know where to get vitamins or anything. The worst thing is that she was too skinny... like they neglected her for awhile before she came to the vet. And the owner also admitted to cutting (i wouldnt call it cropping) her ears by himself when she was a puppy so she wouldn't remember!!!

    We had taken Harley to a party when we left we got a call to stop by my friends BF house. I don't really know them but they said bringing harley was ok. Harley was trying to play with my friends boyfriend and he got upset and got harley by the flipped and pinned him over and start yelling at him. "Your not the boss, this is my house". I freaked fiance just gave me the look like its time to leave before you hit some one. Granted i should of called Harley off but the guy was being a jerk since i walked in so i didn't immediately tell harleyto settle. but still you dont just freak out on some elses dog.
  • edited November -1
    Yanno, I was watching the animals version of America's Worlds Funniest Home Videos earlier and it's kinda sad that over half the things they're taping to send to the show is an issue that should be corrected or seen by a behaviorist for, not something you should be taping and encouraging.
  • edited June 2008
    Natalie, you would have had to pull me off the bastard with the pit and puppies. I can only hope that the vet reported him to the police for cruelty and neglect.

    I had to stop and think for a sec. YUP I would freaking kill the guy! I kinda want to know where he lives.

    And your host at that soiree is another ass. I probably would also have to be pulled off him. NObody puts MY dogs on their backs!
  • edited November -1
    Agreed Jess, if anyone rolled Nemo, I'd give them a thrashing.
  • edited November -1
    wow it crazy how this post took a left turn, to bad stories.

    After getting a dog for the first time, If I ever see a dog running around wild I shall get out of my car and make sure to the right thng get done, either finding it owner or taking it to the city dog shelter.
  • edited November -1
    Here's a great story about an idiot.

    Right now, Rina took a chug out of her soy milk without using a cup. Rina got to find out what curdled soy milk tastes like. Rina spit it out and threw the milk away. The end.
  • edited November -1
    What an idiot! :-P
  • edited November -1

    Let just thank god i wasnt there. I'm almost sure our vet would have been pissed.

    It take alot of restraint when i see my friends boyfriend. If it had been at my house i would have kicked his butt out. He hasnt come over to our house and I've only seen him once since the event
  • edited November -1
    Another Doggie Park idiot story.

    So I get there early this AM, no one there. I take Jake over to the large dog area as it is much larger and much shadier. Poop everywhere! Large poop, great dane poop. Keep in mind, the property for this dog park area was donated by a local citizen, worth perhaps $300,000 at the time of donation. The city spent an extra $70,000+ installing fencing, water fountains, porta toilets for us, a large paved/gravel parking area and installed doggie bag poop dispensers.

    What is wrong with people? If they utilize all these donated goods, why can't they clean up after their pets? Gonna ruin it for all of us who appreciate it and do our part.
  • edited November -1
    Why people who own dogs, think they don't need to pick up dog poop is beyond me. It really, really pisses me off.
  • edited November -1
    My husband hates going to the dog park because we always end up picking up the left poop from other people so we don't step in it and our dogs don't run through it.
    I h a t e the laziness of some dog owners.
  • edited November -1
    If they really have a huge issue with cleaning up the poop, they should teach their dogs to use the porta toilets. Cause, picking up poop isn't too hard to do. Thank god they clean up at the dog park here. The township sometimes integrates into the crowd and watches us, they constantly stop over and check tags. The township owns the dog park I go to, so if someone doesn't pick up, they will most likely get in trouble, if someone is there.

    Only -some- of the owners who come to the one I go to are stupid, the rest are generous, kind, and have great socialized dogs.
  • edited November -1
    I HAVE to rant about this, this one hit close to home..

    So dogs aren't allowed on my campus, so when someone brings a dog, its hard not to get excited about it, so i'm walking back from the library and see this lady with 3 pomeranians and I ask "are they people friendly" she replies "yes, but only the two black ones, the tan one is a rescued puppy mill dog and not ok with people" - this is reasonable enough, I can understand what that is like, so I bend down to pet the two friendly poms, whose hair was cut so ridiculous that it was hard not to want to pet them - they looked like dolls!

    So while I'm petting them, the other mill pom was sitting very still about a foot away from me shaking. While I wasn't looking at it, it was coming to sniff my leg and she pulls on the poor things lead and says "oh no! come back here sadie", pulling on the leash, freaking this poor dog right out and make it REALLY shake.
    I couldn't help myself!! I was like "you know, that was a good thing Sadie was trying to do, being curious enough to want to sniff me while I wasn't making eye contact, thats a good thing! You might make her more hesitant to approach someone by pulling her lead like that."
    And she says "but she's not ready for that yet, she's a rescued mill dog, my handbook says...blah...timeframe..." blah blah blah

    Why is this an idiot story? Well I think if you are going to take in such a damaged dog, you should try to learn more than what is in the handbook you got with adoption. Poor pup. But I can't save them all. Although, I would like to.
  • edited November -1
    How weird since she has two already. Although i'm glad she trying to do some reading someone needs to tell not to take it all to heart.
  • edited November -1
    I'm so sad reading this thread. People are really very silly. I remember when my father hit a dog of an old man neighbor. It was chasing the car, but my father should have stopped on the old country road, but we all do what we do instantly, instinctively.

    I know when the Random Elements strike us, there is much to be learned.

    As for those awful people and their animals. Their won't be animals to greet them at the end.

  • edited June 2008
    The specialist:
    The other day, I took Kuma out for a bathroom outing before dinner. When we were going back home, we passed by this couple that started saying to each other "look how cute he is". The woman starts melting over Kuma and the guy pets him a few times on the head. After that he goes:
    - He's very cute, but you need to exercise him more. The dogs back legs are underdeveloped and atrophying.
    At this point I'm going "really?" and he continues:
    - yes, don't you see how his joints there are pointing in side? (he meant the hocks) that because he's not getting enough exercise. I had a dog that was all muscle, he got loads of exercise. I would get my car going 40Km an hour and he would chase me and keep up! And I'm telling you, you need to get that checked.
    I went "ok, I'll look into it" And smiled because the specialist didn't notice Kuma was in this half sit position he sometimes assumes when he's being showered with attention, thus getting his hocks closer together to each other.

    I wonder what happened to the dog he had, that would chase his car.
  • edited November -1
    Wow... He didn't notice Kuma was sitting. And who would teach their dog to chase a car? That's possibly the worst idea I have ever hear.
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