Yep, so this is what they're calling the new mix-breed du jour.
Chow Chow + Siberian Husky = Chowsky.
So I met the lady in the neighbourhood who has one and she thought Saigo was a Chowsky too!
I knew already about her dog "Steve" from my neighbours. Anyway, so I went home and googled Chowsky. I have to admit, they do look a bit like Japanese Akitas.
Chow Chow + Siberian Husky = Chowsky.
So I met the lady in the neighbourhood who has one and she thought Saigo was a Chowsky too!
I knew already about her dog "Steve" from my neighbours. Anyway, so I went home and googled Chowsky. I have to admit, they do look a bit like Japanese Akitas.
And I like Chows. But not the easiest dogs on the planet, you know? What an odd combo with a husky!
I've met a black chow chow I wish I had camera to get picture it was so cute!
I guess I'm a chow chow magnet.. A puppy even ran to my house when I lived in Louisiana it was so friendly and wanted to play! Sadly the neighbor gave it up. Case of kid wanting a dog, but not taking care of them.
Yeah I don't get point of this mix.. The mastiff lab mix my neighbor got was very off temperament wise. Had zero dog manners and chased cars. Neighbor got rid of her or she ran off and never was found she didn't have a id tag.
She was cute dog looked like giant lab, but I prefer labs normal sized..
I tried to ask people the same question - how many Chows do you think are running around and mating with other mongrels? Most Chow people I meet are pretty responsible about their dogs. Most people know what they're getting into when they get a Chow and while I'm sure there are some "impulse buys" on Chow puppies, they're not a very popular breed, which - to me - reduces the chances that there are a bajillion Chow Chows running around and creating black-tongued babies.
I have issues with the word mutt, and I usually say mixed breed. But my issues with the word are not with dogs.
He was gorgeous, but it was a really unfortunate situation.
But he's the only likely Chow mix producer I've ever met... the rest of the Chows I've seen were either spayed/neutered, or belonged to people who certainly weren't letting them run around.
I've actually seen more questionable Shar-Peis than Chows...