Laundry and Dog Fur

edited September 2013 in Products & DIY
For the most part, I don't have much of an issue when it comes to laundry and dog fur, although certain items of clothing seem to just be fur magnets. Fleece items, mostly, and certain t-shirts. For instance, I've bought some t-shirts from Threadless and some of them attract dog fur and some of them don't. So I'm trying to figure out what to do with these certain items so I'm not just furiously lint brushing them all the time. If it's an item of clothing, I can just lint brush before I leave the house and that's good enough, but I have a couple of kid blankets that attract fur and those are harder. They are in daily use.

I had read that fabric softener and dryer sheets help, but that's not really cutting it. Does static guard spray make a difference? Anyone else try anything?


  • Sucks I know the feeling. I just gave up on fleece anything. I stick to cotton blankets and use the sticky lint remover to remove the pets fur and use a Dyson. Before I wash anything with fur I give them a good shake outside to let any loose fur off. Maybe you could brush your dog more often? Sorry I've never tried static guard.
  • Yeah, I thought that might be the case but was hoping someone had a magic solution. It's not normally this bad. Normally anything that goes through comes out totally clean but Rakka's doing a second moult (why?!) at the same time a fuse blew on our vacuum and we're catching up on the fur and ugh... stuff is coming out of the dryer with fur still on it. The stuff that attracts fur is pulling it off all the other clothes in the dryer it seems, then I lint roll thise items. Maybe I should put a square of fleece in every load to catch the hair.
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