Introducing our new family member: Zora, the American Akita

So we got her! This weekend, I drove out to Oklahoma to pick up our new little girl from Liberty Akitas. If you all have been around awhile, you know that I almost got an Akita from Liberty when I got Oskar, but I got impatient and went for the dog that was available sooner. Since then, I knew that I would have to get a pup from Liberty, and after we lost our Shiba girl this summer, I knew it was time. Things lined up well, and there were puppies available, so now we have a new little girl! She's named after a favorite writer, Zora Neale Hurston.

She'll be 9 weeks old on weds. She's a "hooded" girl, mostly white with the black/brindle hood (the brindle may not be evident in these pics, but she does have some on her cheeks and back of the head. Most of the other pups in her litter were brindles). She was the final pup in the litter, and the only one born by c-section. Wierdly, I had a dream about her. I thought I was going to get a puppy from an earlier litter, but when her mother, Demi, was having puppies, I had a dream that I was waiting at the vet with Leo for the puppies to be delivered. I woke up and saw on FB that one pup had to be delivered by c-section, and that ended up being the girl we got! Must have been meant to be!

She is lively and silly, and going about 100 miles a minute. We're very much still in the adjustment phase: I just brought her home last night. So far, Leo the Kai Ken tolerates her (but his feelings seem hurt--he's been mopey and not wanting to eat, and tried to ignore her for awhile. but I think he's already getting over it--they just played for about 20 minutes straight). Oskar, the AA is grumpy as he usually is with puppies (he didn't like Leo at first either), but he's slightly less growly than he was with Leo, and we'll continue with slow introductions. Toby the Shiba got to see her while she was in the crate and of course he snarled at her, but if she's in the crate and he's in the room he mostly chooses to ignore her. I don't expect those two will ever get along, but Toby may surprise me in his old age.

But enough of this--here are pics!

This pic was taken by Donna Bennet, her breeder, at 6 weeks:


My first meeting with her:


Zora and Leo


Zora is cute!


And a video (not great quality...I'm just figuring out how to do ipad videos):



  • I am just loving this girl, and I'm not an akita person. She was my favorite out of the puppies posted on Liberty's website, and it just makes me extra excited that I get to watch her from a distance.

    Congratulations Lisa for adding this awesome girl to your family!!
  • Congrats on the new pup!
  • oh my! she is such a precious puppy....i love her... <3 congrats!!!
  • Aw, congrats! She looks so cute, and looks like she has quite the personality with the tongue out/strut in the first one! :)
  • SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!! :3
  • Oh my god she is sooooo cute! Congrats on bringing Zora home. I hope the boys all warm up to her!
  • Congratulations! She is so cute! Love the last pic of her :)
  • edited October 2013
    Oh my, the cuteness! Congratulations!

    I may just be ignorant, but I've never seen a "hooded" AA. She looks like a little polar bear who slipped into some ink! I must resist the urge to call her DoubleStuf.

    Edit: fixed mistype. Thanks @cdenney!
  • Oh good what teddy bear! Congrats :)!
  • Oh, Zora! I just love her! I was going to ask if her hood was black or brindle when I saw that last, most adorable picture of her on the grass with the little head tilt on fb. I think she and Leo will be best buddies :) Congratulations!
  • @zandrame I think shes an AA.
  • The Bennet's are great people and JACA members to boot. Congrats on the new puppy I really like the hood and can't wait to see the brindle in it.
  • She is so darn cute!!!
  • She is so freaking cute! :-D

    I met a pretty amazing AA the other weekend at a festival and feel head over heels in love with him... Perhaps one day, I may own one... (I remember saying I would never own an Akita a few years back on the forum... :-/ Haha!)
  • So cute. I love the one with Leo and Zora. She seems to be saying, "Hi, are you my new brother?"
  • Congratulations! Zora is gorgeous! I absolutely love her expressions. She might be a mischief maker... she just has that look lol

    I am so happy for you and Zora doesn't know how lucky she is to have ended up with you!!
  • She's a pretty lively little girl, and a typical puppy...into everything! She looks like a little stuffed animal, and with her super soft puppy fuzz, even feels like one, but of course, she's not one just to sit in one place!

    We're really happy to have her, and it was fun to see her parents and the other dogs at Liberty....and the whippets! The whippets were super cool! And the Mike and Donna are just really wonderful people, and already so helpful...

    And for those who remember when we got Leo, and my husband wanted to call him Karl? Well, he feels he should have been able to pic Zora's name, so he's decided to call her Emma rather than Zora (well, Emma is better than Karl at least). I can't seem to dissuade him from this, but at least the names sound somewhat similar, though when he calls Emma, she pretty much just ignores him! She does know "Zora" though, and "cookie" is enough to get her to stop whatever she is doing and come running! :P
  • aw I liked the name Zora! That name and her dark hood reminds me of Zorro so it seemed so fitting..
  • edited October 2013
    @shibamistress Emma is my grandmother's and cousin's name :) Can't complain, it's a nice name haha ;)

    I love this puppy so much. I've honestly never cared for AA's too much, but she's such a cool puppy. Her colors are really striking.
  • Aww! Congrats! I haven't stopped to say it yet, but she's adorable. I look forward to seeing her mature! :)
  • Oh my goodness I would never be able to get a
    I true of her because I wouldn't be able to stop squeezing her! Congrats!
  • She's so cute! Congrats! :)
  • Congrats! Super adorable.
  • I've been seeing all of her pics on FB and she is so darn adorable! Especially that first mid-strut phot and the last one of her looking up :D
  • Yesterday, Zora want on her second real leash walk with me, down to the mailboxes. We had an unfortunate near to close encounter with a coyote that spotted her from the woods across the street from us and started to come for her, so I had to tuck her into my jacket and get her home right away.

    Today I decided to go much earlier in the day, and we ran into a neighbor, who offered me a stout walking stick after I told her of the coyote. After the neighbor played with Zora a bit, we took off for our walk. And the stick had an unexpected benefit.....when little Miss got distracted, I could drag the stick in front of her and she'd prance after it, so it was a good incentive to get her to walk politely! Yay!

    No coyotes today, but someone stopped and took her picture (the second time that's's kind of odd....) and another person stopped and played with her. She had fun!


  • She is precious! I know you are proud, congrats!
  • She has such a cute face! I had people stop and take pics when Keiko was around that age which I also found a bit odd to be honest but I guess when they are small puppies are just so cute they want to tell their friends! :)

    It's really eye opening to me reading about your walk and having to watch out for coyotes; being in the UK the biggest danger I face on walks is irresponsible owners with naughty dogs and it takes enough concentration and energy to manage those situation that I can't imagine what it's like dealing with coyotes too!
  • @shibamistress She is so adorable! I love her "hooded" coat.
  • Zora is so adorable! The walking stick thing is fun Bella my boxer loves doing that too. :)
  • Awww! I love her! What a little butterball of fluffness :)
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