TK the Shikoku Ken (Updated 4/20)



  • Wow he has a spectacular tail! Handsome boy!
  • TK loves the snow.




    And our hikes...



    ...and basically everything.

    (except strangers.)
  • I never get tired of TK photos :). His face is priceless in that last one haha. What was he looking at?
  • @emi802 - Me! We just got in from a walk and he stared at me with the starry eyes to try and get some more fun time out of me.
  • @Crispy - haha, awesome! That face would totally sucker more fun time or treats out of me. Hopefully, Katsu doesn't learn it or I might be in trouble ;)
  • TK :x

    I am loving that third picture of him.
  • @Crispy - How big is TK now? we're really hoping katsu will turn out as big as him. our ideal size for him would be 45lbs or so. Not sure if it will happen because Suki his dame was on the smaller side.
  • @jigzzor - When I met Peggy and Bob, she told me TK seemed rather large (tall, I think?) for a Shikoku. The only other adult male I have seen in person was Yamato, who is a BEEFY Shikoku - but only a little taller than TK. He just had a LOT more substance. He was built like a tiny tank, lol.

    Still, TK is very light in frame, he is only 42 pounds.

    We were hit by the blizzard recently, so I'll update with some new TK!



  • aww man i love tk, i wish we could meet him. I wonder if katsu and tk would mesh well together.
  • Hehe he looks so right in the snow. His faceful of snow is adorable :D
  • @jigzzor @emi802 - I'll be travelling from New England (Rhode Island) to the Pacific Northwest (Portland area, Oregon) in about three weeks with the 2 Kishu Ken and TK, lol. I'm moving to Clackamas/Multnohmah County, depending on where I can find a place.

    TK doesn't really do well with strangers - he's actually terrified of hands - but he loves new dogs, along with my Kishu puppy. I don't remember exactly where you are - Northern CA? Might be possible during a road trip to CA this summer. :)
  • Looks like fun, I love his expression with all the snow on his face :)
  • Yep! Northern California. It's a 10-11 hour drive to Portland. If you do do a road trip, we should try a forum get together :)
  • I'll be travelling from New England (Rhode Island) to the Pacific Northwest (Portland area, Oregon) in about three weeks with the 2 Kishu Ken and TK, lol. I'm moving to Clackamas/Multnohmah County, depending on where I can find a place.
    @Crispy Is London not coming with you to Portland? Good luck finding an awesome home. ;) I'm always looking on Zillow at houses because I like looking at houses, except I'd rather build a small Hobbit hole for Meitou and I on some acreage (Yeah, I am that weird).

    TK is super handsome in the snow. His snowface is perfect!

  • Man i love TK. I keep watching that video you posted of him barking in the snow. If you guys do come up to northern california.... Let us know. We would love for katsu to meet his uncle TK.
  • edited March 2015
    Ha! We are officially in Portland now. I don't have funds to travel much right now and I have a lot to do to settle myself here, but if you're ever in the area, I'll meet up before I can make a trip down, @jigzzor!

    (Also @who time - London stayed with my grandmother and mother; I'm here! We should hike sometime!)
  • @Crispy Welcome to the NW! ;) We definitely should meet up for a hike sometime. I'm pretty busy this week, but we can figure this out in a private chat.
  • An update day wouldn't be complete without TK!

    He's a lot happier without London (my Malamute) around... even if it makes me a little sad to think about. :( (London was left with my mother and grandmother in the house he grew up in, when I left for Oregon.)



    My roommate's dog, Finn, is just as awkward as my crazy Shikoku. They have some serious communication issues - one is ready to play, but the other misses it, rinse, and repeat.





    With Fionna. My Kishu are leetle and my Shikoku is big. Which I think is way funnier than it is.
  • Aw, TK. So handsome.
  • You do realize tk is possibly the love of my life right?
  • OMG your dog is amazing! I love the wolf likeness.
  • Thank you, @MBeats. :)

    TK (aka, the love of @jigzzor's life) in nature.
  • TK is looking good!
  • I have to get TK tested for some tick-borne diseases, but I haven't found a vet that I'm comfortable with, yet. I'll need to do it soon - he's been having a hard time after his hikes and walks. Very sore. My Malamute (London) tested positive for anaplasmosis right before I left RI for OR, so I wouldn't be surprised if TK had something, too.

    If that comes back negative, I'll have to get his hips or knees checked out. I already have him on a regiment of glucosamine/chondroitin. He's 9 years old (nearly), but I didn't expect him to show signs of aging yet, so I suspect it's something tick-related...

    But here he is, enjoying himself...
  • I figured I'd post more images of TK since I feel like I don't update his thread as much as the Kishu girls...



  • Love TK's coat! It looks so full and healthy!
  • Handsome TK! Sorry to hear he has been having trouble on hikes/walks. :( Poor guy.
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