HELP. My dog eats toilet paper

edited April 2008 in General
I have tried everything I know.  Everytime I feel safe enough to add toilet paper, Jakes pulls and tears it off the roll, paper every where!  There is none left Laughing


  • edited November -1
    shut the bathroom door?
  • edited November -1

    hehehe....constantly replenishing toilet paper must suck...but your message's subject line makes me giggle.

    maybe spray bitter apple on some toilet paper and let him get a taste so he'll stop?

  • edited November -1

    lol! We have to keep our bathroom door closed for that same reason, otherwise the tp monster attacks. I actually posted some pics of the elusive tp monster a while back:



  • edited November -1
    lololol.  The Jake Man does it when I'm not looking.  It is too funny and so it that video.  It's like, 'pay attention to me'.  I guess I'll have to go to walmart :-) after I leave the  door closed!
  • edited November -1
    My brother's cats do the same - I house-sat for him one year when he was on vacation and I did not know about the toilet paper eating cats, left the bathroom door open, came home from work and it looked like someone had tp'd the inside of the house!
  • edited April 2008
    Lol we leave our door closed. TP is considered prey in this house.
  • edited November -1
    No TP incidents here, only because we leave the bathroom doors closed, I bet. We do have incidents with newspaper. Sometimes I get home to find one or two sheets of newspaper shredded across the floor. Sometimes I think that Kuma is trying to put newspaper on his pee accidents. Yesterday night and this morning when I went in the shower, there were shreds and then a larger bit covering a puddle...
  • edited November -1
    Awwww. How cute! Kuma cleans up after himself. That must be really convenient. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    You bet! The only thing better than cleaning pee is picking up tiny shreds of newspaper soaked in it...Yell
  • edited November -1

    How funny, that is too much.  LOL

    Rudi has never looked at toilet paper.  Be it on the holder where it belongs or sitting on the edge of the tub or the back of the tank, Rudi has never taken notice to tp.  He does not seem too interested in paper towels either. 

    Dang, I am beginning to think my child is an angel LOL .....sorry, still getting the belly laugh again.  LOL

    Hugs to the patience of the patient!


  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Ryu's not a TP kind of guy but he LOVES to decorate the house with the contents of the trash bins in the bathroom.... especially the guest bathroom bin where we put all the lint and dryer sheets from the laundry.... we have to keep all the doors in our house closed now... (especially after that Excedrin Migraine incident!!)
  • edited November -1
    Lol all trashcans in the house have to have a lid on it around here. Even then they somehow get to it.
  • edited November -1
    Moto is totally a paper anything bandit. Bathroom door is perpetually closed here.
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