Pictures from my trip to Ohio [12.21.14]

I recently went and visited Peggy in Ohio and I wanted to share some pictures with everyone! I was so amazed by the breed I only have pictures with Tomoko, a 4 month old female puppy. I believe shes from the Ryuu x Kiyoshi litter!
I was so excited and I really learnt alot about the breed and what kind of temperament and personality I want for my dog. Honestly, I wish I had my pup now haha, I'm already addicted!
Tomoko was playful outside and very calm inside the house. She let you move her around, cut her nails and just sat on your lap. They named her Tomoko for wise child because as a puppy she always sat back and looked like she was thinking about stuff. Her personality was amazing and after the trip decided this was the personality I was looking for, "reserved."
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it was hard for us to stay still haha!
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my boyfriend myles and her!

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Myself and Tomoko


  • So glad you had a chance to meet Peggy and her pups! Tomoko's mom is full siblings to my Kurenai's recent litter:). There must be something about the weather where Peggy is at and the food she feeds because every time I see juvenile puppy pics over there the dog's coat is so lush and full!

  • @crimsonO2
    it was honestly amazing, I've met Takeo @grayJJ 's and she's been a huge help!
    Peggy explained so much to me and asked me what kind of dog I want and it wasnt until i met Tomoko that I realize I just want her haha! She was the quiet one of the litter and reserved and with myself and my boyfriends personality types, thats exactly the personality that would fit our lifestyle.
    Though she did run herself out with her siblings outside.
    Her coat was SO soft and beautiful, she had the cutest black line down her tummy
  • awe, cute pictures! :) and congrats!
  • @mdokic I wish I had Tomoko, but hopefully less than a year from now I'll have my own shikoku haha
  • Ah, *smh* sorry haha, i thought by skimming and the pictures you got the shikoku haha, well, im happy at least you learned more and got to meet a lot so you see their personalities :) always good before you get one!
  • Such cute pictures! I don't blame you for falling in love with her. I've seen so many Shikoku pictures lately that I'm falling more in love with them myself ;)
  • @sukiandluna
    on our way home, my boyfriend and I could not stop wanting a puppy right now. Once you meet them and understand the way they play and what the breed is like, you just fall in love.
    Now all I want for a dog is a shikoku haha
  • Tomoko was part of the Shikoku Puppy Flash Mob that came to visit me a couple months ago- she has an exceptional temperament :) I love her!
  • Hey Allison!

    Here's something to tide you over while you wait :P

  • @Allison They tend to do that to you! ;) Luckily I've got a couple of Kai to keep me busy, but maybe sometime in the more distant future I'll look into a Shikoku puppy. I love the ones I've met :)
  • So glad to see you made the trip to Peggy's! How could you not fall in love with Tomoko? She's too cute!!

    Great to hear you know what personality you're looking for. :) I wish you luck while you eagerly await for the puppy.... Now you're hooked :D
  • @grayjj haha once i get my pup, takeo and him/her can play together and go for walks haha
  • Oh man, she's really pretty! Do you know which litter Tomoko is from? (Just curious since we have a puppy from one of her august litters)

    @CrimsonO2 I would guess that their coats are really thick because of the cold weather. I noticed Katsu's coat was much thicker than his littermates' and I suspect it's because we got him much later--after it got really cold in Ohio. Her coat thickness looks a lot like his when we first got him (fluffy flufffyyyy).
  • I was just gonna say.... that couch looks familiar
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