Powwow Fun

edited April 2008 in General

Some pictures of Makaya, Errik's mom's hybrid..or as my little brother calls her a "dolf". Mom is GSD, dad is pure. She's 18 months old.

Makaya and Errik. We were walking next to a booth that sells wolf and fox pellets and seeing them freaked her out so Errik's trying to calm her down here.

Makaya and Errik

She blinked


Full front facial shot...Yes that's Errik inside her portable crate with his head sticking out lol. Her left ear is broken so it's permanently flopped down.


Her eating a carrot


And a little video clip. Sorry bout the blur in the middle. Looks like water got splashed on it.




  • edited November -1

    She's very cute! The broken ear gives a funny expression and she has "smart" eyes.

    It's impressive the how GSD leave their morphological traits on their descendants, she mus fool some people into thinking she's a GSD. Actually I'm always impressed at how some German breeds have this heavy inprint on their (mixed) descendants, it happens with Rotties, Dobies and Boxers too. The Germans might have a secret the World knows not...Tongue out

  • edited November -1
    Awww, she is REALLY CUTE! I love that first one where she's sitting with Errik. She's got a very feminine face. I love it!
  • edited November -1

    She is a very pretty girl, she looks very loving.

  • edited November -1
    I like the one with Errik in the crate - Makaya has this bewildered look on her face.
  • edited November -1

    Rui - Yeah, they're waiting for her to get her fluffy fur but the GSD side might just dominate everything. She's only a pup but acts like such an old soul which is a big reason why Errik loves her as much as he does.

    Dave - I think you're actually the first person to say she has a feminine face. We think she looks pretty masculine lol.

    LJ - She ended up scooching away from him slowly like "wtf what are you doing?!?!? get away from me!!!" lmao 

  • edited November -1
    Awe. What a cutie!
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