Shiba Toys

edited April 2008 in General

Once again, all I can do is laugh.

Unfortunately I have to leave Jake home alone for close to 10 hours, Mon-Fri.  I gate him in the kitchen for his safety, not necessarily his comfort.  When I leave I gather up his toys, at least 10.  There is his nylonbone frisbee, his nylabone bone, his tennis ball (or 2), one or 2 of the stuffed toys he's had forever and the stuffings are gone, but he still loves them, his one or 2 soft squeekie bones, his kong bone filled with fresh peanut butter treats, and last but not least, I always make sure I add a fresh, frozen, beef bone every other day from the butcher.  Soft music playing in the background for at least 3 hours.  Blinds open so he can observe the backyard.  A little water, no food, even if he chose not to eat that AM.

 Too funny.  I come home and all the toys are in the same pile I left them, except perhaps the frozen beef bone, indicative that he chewed on that throughout the day.

I walk in, take the gate down, let him out, he returns as quickly as possible, and begins to take all the toys left for him, one by one, to the great room.  Mine, Mine.  My decision.

Tomorrow we will repeat this cycle until he changes the routine.  They do change routines and what's important to them, and I laugh at that too.


  • edited November -1
    Hahaha. I know exactly what you mean Elaine! I used to leave toys for Lucy all the time when I left. But they *NEVER* moved one iota of an inch. When I'm here, she plays enthusiastically with them, but when I'm gone I think she just sleeps. In fact, usually the water in her bowl is at the same level it was when I left.
  • edited November -1
    They are too funny, and all about us.  They would never admit it, but their world resolves around us as much as ours do theirs.  Too funny, I can only silently laugh as if I have no clue.  I'll report his routine next week, and hopefully it won't be eating the baseboards!  Shibas do not do well in heat and I notice that with Jake as he matures.  I will have to turn on the AC before long so he will be comfortable.  He's had no 'shiba shed' since I've had him, other than an ear clump which you helped me remove.  When will he shed his coat?  A hair here and there is all I've gotten...
  • edited November -1
    Who knows? I've heard that some Shibas stay in coat all year round, so you may be one of the few lucky ones.
  • edited November -1

    Lucky?  My dog is hot and I am lucky?  Shed in clumps Jake, Shed, are my thoughts.

    Guess we'll have to move north.  Anything for my baby!

    I hope Lucy is better.  I think about her all the time even though she has no clue who I am.

  • edited November -1
    Lucky in the sense that you don't have to clean up mountains of hair that fall off your dog. :-P And Lucy knows exactly who you're Jake's mom. :-P
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