help!! i got bit - bad



  • edited April 2008

    So if no other fosters pop up, you're be "stuck" with Kobe until a forever home is found. But how does anyone expect to see Kobe for how he really is if he's living in a less than ideal situation with a dog he's not comfortable with so close by? It'll be hard to tell potential adopters what kind of dog he is when he's not on his guard all the time. This incident will put off a lot people with other dogs already in the household. Shibas are pretty difficult to work with to begin with. I think this living situation will only make things harder for Kobe and Kitsune.

    Not necessarily saying this toward you but also giving you reasons to push the issue with the rescue. 

  • edited November -1

    Having to constantly separate is really going to burden you.  Have I heard throwing water on dogs will help break up a fight?  How is your arm?

  • edited November -1
    My arm will most likely be fine, i'm putting prescription antibiotic ointment on twice a day and got the tetanus shot, i'm really not worried about that. Kitsune needed stitches so thats our newest issue.
  • edited November -1
    Well I am glad you posted today. I was half scared that you weren't gonna come back.
  • edited November -1

    Where are the dogs now?  Shibas have such selective hearing how one controls them is outside my realm of comprehension or experience, especially those of younger age, not to even mention their 'run away' attitudes.  I've been told by many breeders not to mix male with male or female with female as they fight.  It is also hard for us to be true pack leaders when we need to work to make a living so we can have these beautiful companions.

    However, if Ceasar Milan can have 14  male pit bulls in the same community there has to be a way to make it work.  All I remember is exercise, discipline then affection, while having a calm assertive attitude.  If I recall, the day you took them for walks and the doggie park, there was calm within the group, the entire day.  Have you got a treadmill?  Ceasar suggests a treadmill to walk them.  I've seen a dalmation on his show walk on a treadmill after training without a lead, wanting the exercise it provided.  I've introduced Jake to mine but haven't pursued it to the fullest, yet.  I know you live in a townhome so a large backyard is not an option for you.

    Feeding times must be separated.  I would maintain lead control, literally, having it attached to their bodies at all times they are not separated.  No toys. 


  • edited November -1
    well yesterday when the fight happened, I worked but my husband walked them together 3 times with no fighting in between than that afternoon we took them for a 2 1/2 hour hike! They were sleeping from 7pm - 10pm then thats when the fight happened??
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