Dog being nasty

Orion has started licking himself...well...down where he shouldn't...he will set there and go at it like he is trying to pleasure this normal when a dog starts maturing? I'm a little concerned that he is enjoying that too much!! I will be taking him to the vet next month to get him fixed...hopefully that will stop this.


  • edited November -1

    Don't worry.  He's a perfectly normal dog discovering himself.  My trainer/behaviorist tells me that it takes about three months after neutering before the testesterone calms down.

  • edited November -1
    Sorry, no clue???
  • edited April 2008
    I don't think its abnormal for a dog to lick their private area.  I think it's their way of cleaning themselves. If he becomes obbessive about it, then you might get worried.  But Ninja and Portia usally do it a couple times a day.
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Romi. Lucy and Joey do it almost like clockwork when we come in from a bathroom break. Its totally normal and actually good for them to maintain cleanliness down there. Do watch out for it becoming obsessive (note the spelling Romi :-P) though.
  • edited November -1
    how can a dog become obsessive about that if they don't view it in a sexual manner?
  • edited November -1
    Dogs can become obsessive about almost anything. I saw one episode of "It's Me or the Dog" where a dog became obsessed with shiny things. If a frying pan reflected light onto the cabinets, he would go and lick the spot on the cabinet for hours without stopping. If you feel he's licking himself for too long, just distract him with something else like a loud noise or a toy. If he ignores those things and won't let you stop him, then I might start to worry a little.
  • edited November -1


    I agree that the behavior is normal and natural; however, there could be a medical reason as well.  Going to the vet would be a good idea if it is to look and make sure he does not have a yeast/fungus problem.  A bit of antibiotics and he may find the area less itchy and sensitive.  The vet should be able to visually tell if there is a problem, but also should be able to do a simple lab swab for culture. 

    I am afraid to ask if there is any odor; best to leave that to a vet. 

    Wishing you luck.  Sometimes I wish Rudi was a bit more diligent in his cleaning because it seems he always has a dingle-berry hanging on his pee hairs.  Usually leaves or dried matter from the gardens.  I always have to break out the wash cloth and cause a big scene for him LOL. 

    Take care, Ron

  • edited November -1
    He does clean himself....but as my girlfriend says...his lipstick is sticking is more than just cleaning...and a little more than licking if you know what I mean. I am trying to be tactful. I wouldn't say he is being obessive with it...but he does do it more than he should. I think it's like ddowdemers said...he's dicovering himself...I guess it feels good to him. I hope it passes though.
  • edited November -1
    It's possible that it could be irritated.  You might want to take a *peak* for yourself if you can.  Make sure it doesn't appear to have a rash or any other sort of wound on it.
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