Tigers Thread - spam, 9/11



  • edited November -1
    :) we've been seriously lacking in the spam department of late, I have the flu (I think, docs today) and we've both been working ridiculous hours. :(

    Now that he's got a solid set of commands we've started teaching him silly tricks to make us smile, hehe. It's fun.

    If he wants to be brushed then he could lay still for hours, just have to catch him in the right mood haha we took him to the groomers about a week ago and he looks like a completely different dog! I don't know WHAT they did, magicians that they are, but he looks amazing. He got a full service for only £30 (which I think is $60ish?)

    He nearly always has his tongue sticking out when he's sleeping lol. It's great. He looks really silly.

  • edited November -1








  • edited November -1
    What a happy boy with his big chewie! :) Tiger looks great.
  • edited November -1
    A big boy gets a big bone. :)
  • edited November -1
    Tiger looks GREAT! :)
    but Johnny's thumb is in tough shape...
  • edited November -1
    Thanks :D we mostly bought it for the comedy value, he carries his chews upstairs at night for the landing and it's cute to see, so when we saw that huge thing we really had no choice!

    Chrystal, it kinda looks like Ti did that to his thumb but it was me, I thought I was holding the tumble dryer and then I dropped it on his hand! Ti just kinda made it worse by jumping up at him and catching it, lol, we tag teamed John tonight lol.
  • edited November -1


    hehe, John got an iPhone, so I finally get to be in a picture with Tiger! He's not a very good photographer but it's nice to finally have a copy of a picture with me and him.
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