She's here!



  • edited November -1
    thanxs Emilie :) she is a good puppy too
  • edited November -1
    I've been wondering that too Beth. They're not littermates are they? I'm sure there are plenty of breeders, but they both are just so darn beautiful with their markings.
  • edited November -1
    CONGRATS! She's adorable :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Osy, I will try to get up some new photos soon. Tara & Beth I just asked Nico about that, it seems they are very close in age I just tryed to find out her breeder"s name so we can see if that's possible.
  • edited December 2009
    Dave, I tried to make a photo mount to see both in one picture but there is too much difference. I take most from a lower position, which makes Shousei look a bit bigger than he really is. that way it is impossible to make a comparisment. Coming Friday I will try to make some photo's with him and his sister, who is in the Netherlands too for now. But I have seen all pups from this litter, they are not related. Anyhow, it will be nice to follow both growing up over this nice forum. Here's one more pic where Shousei still looks like a puppy…
  • edited December 2009
    another picture
  • edited November -1
    Oh he's so handsome! I just want to give him a big hug!
  • edited November -1
    too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Oh please Nico my story is your your story.You and shousei are always welcome!!!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Dave,
    are you making any progress yet with Levi? It seems the huskies are slowly getting used to our little devil :-) He's very sweet but affraid about nothing. So even the big boys don't scare him with their warning signals. But outside is so much better already. Inside, Reno is kind of okay, they don't avoid each other anymore. Rico is still a bit to distant, but I guess it will get better soon. I really hope things will smooth out with yours too, otherwise it is not so much fun always having to think about what could happen with them.
  • edited November -1
    Hey Nico,
    We are definetly making progress , just in very small steps. Things here are similar, outside play is going well with the three of them now . The issue that has me confused the most is Gin (my female shiba) & Koshi are obsessed with each other,they play but Koshi tries to dominate Gin and she somewhat allows it. They don't fight but I have to step in & break it up constantly, I try to just let it run its course but Gin salivates all over her & they just won't stop .

    What happens when Shousei does't heed the warning signal from the huskies??
  • edited November -1
    Well, Shousei came close to Rico and he made clear noises to not enter his territory. He did it anyway and Reno grabbed him with his mouth and pushed him down to the floor, making clear who is in charge. It didn't hurt but the boundaries were set. Ever since Shousei respects Rico but is still trying to make contact, just more careful. Whenever we go for a walk, all get very excited which gives Shousei the opportunity to be excited as well and jumps all over the place with both. The same happens during walking outside.
    With Reno he had a more tough engagement. He was licking Reno on his mouth, and Reno signaled to stop but he continued to lick. Then Reno snapped him at his beautiful noose, very painful (at least according to the amount of noise, Shousei made). So boundaries set as well. However, slowly, Reno and Shousei seems to get along better now. Where Rico continues to keep his boundaries up, Reno just acts like all is okay, not really playing with him, but also no longer being kind of nasty to him. He tolerates him pretty good. During the night Reno sleeps near Shousei and even seems to defend him against Rico if he's a bit too aggressive towards Shousei. Does this all makes sense? I think one more week and all will look different again.
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