Loss for words...

Not sure how or where to start other than to just spit it out. Well the beloved Ame chan passed away late last night. She has been a little sick the last few days and after several blood tests and x-rays, she was diagnosed with having parvo. The last three days or so she has been doing great, eating and drinking on her own but after getting meds to fight off the illness, she took a turn for the worse and passed away in my brothers arms.

Since she lives with my brother, I dont have the exacts on every thing but I do know that we lost one of the best little pups that I've had the pleasure to know. I'm kind of at a loss for words right now and its just heart breaking to think that she is gone.

I must thank Brad and Dave for helping Ame get here, my brother has been on cloud nine ever since he got her. I been recovering from a work related injury and working long hours at work so I havnt been able to get the exact details but I have been talking to my brother on a daily basis on Ame's condition.



  • Sigh, I am so sorry about Ame. It must be so devastating for Ryoh and you. =[

    How is your brother doing?
  • Damn, I am so sorry! What a horrible thing to have happen.....it's just a really nasty disease, and it can take puppies so fast. It really sucks.

  • My brother is really devastated and is bleaching the crap out of his house. We're trying to figure out how it all happened cause she's been vaccinated and has not been around much other than a grown akita and once around my dogs when she first came here.

    We just cant figure it out...
  • edited April 2011
    Poor Ame! I'm so sorry for your & your brother's loss :(

  • That's terrible, poor little pup. I'm sorry for you and your brother's loss.
  • I'm so sorry for you and your brother's loss :(
  • Gen, I'm so sorry for you and your brother :( that really sounds horrible.
  • Gen, like I said. I don't know what to say, and that's rare for me. Just an awful situation. :-( I'm glad that the other dogs are doing well.
  • Oh how horrible. Don't know what else to say...
  • Sorry for your loss Gen and Ryoh.

    It's a loss for all of us, but it's very hard on you guys, especially Ryoh. I'm sorry you guys have to go through it.

    It's really disappointing.

  • This really is awful. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed to hear that a dog I've never met had died. The situation was so serendipitous and happy, and to have it turn to a tragic outcome so suddenly... it really just sinks my heart. She was such a pretty girl, too.

    My heart goes out to you and your brother. I'm really sorry you have to go through this.
  • I'm SO sorry to hear this Gen. It must be extremely difficult for you and your bro.

    I hope you feel better from your injury too. ~

  • So sorry to hear little Ame passed. Will keep you and your brother in our thoughts.
  • Sorry to hear this about Little Ame. She was an awesome pup. I hope you guys are doing fine.
  • That is very sad...I am so sorry for your brother, and you.
  • Sorry for your loss :(. I know how you must be feeling, it's always terrible to lose young puppy. My cousin lost his Bullterrier puppy at the same age as Ame. It took many weeks to live down. Many hugs to you and your brother and strength.
  • Thanks for all your kind words everyone. I'll pass it on to my brother. He's taken it really hard and I have never seen him be so affected like this. Ame was his little girl so its gonna take awhile for him to recover from this.

    Thank you guys.
  • Gen, I am so sorry that this happened. Give Ryoh all of our condolences. I know words can not make the hurt, sadness, and disappointment go away, but know that we are thinking about all of you. I hope that you both can find some peace and know that none of this was anyone's fault.

    *hugs to you all*
  • There are no words that can adequately express how deeply my heart breaks for you. You and your brother are in my thoughts.
  • Oh, no...I am shocked to read this, and sad for you guys. I am so sorry,Gen...
  • I am so so so sorry....
  • Goodbye little Ame...
    ...you were here for only a short time but you were much loved and will be dearly missed.

    Again, this majorly sucks and I'm so sorry Gen that you guys lost such an awesome little girl. Given what limited time she had lived, she definitely brought joy to those of us whose lives she touched.
  • Thanks Corina, I have to remember all the other great people she lived with. She'll definately be rememberd my many people.
  • So sorry about your loss Gen and Ryoh she looked so beautiful hard to put words on this.

    My friend lost her puppy to Parvo once it was really sad to loose him. =(
  • poor little girl, I wish we could of seen her grow up. Hearing the word Parvo always makes me cringe inside. Really sorry for your loss.
  • edited April 2011
    This is just terrible news. I'm really sorry for you and your brother's loss.
  • I am so sorry for your loss.
  • I dont think I'll ever forget that picture of your brother and Ame together. So sorry
  • Gen, my thoughts are with you and your brother at this time of your loss. Ame will be waiting at the Rainbow bridge for both of you as well as all those she touched in her short life. May you both find respite in your fond memories of her.
  • After reading this, I contacted one of the members of our Meetup and told her not to take her 15-week old puppy to a "dog event" at a local university. I mentioned the potential parvo risk to the puppy (from exposure to large groups of dogs).

    Again, so sorry to hear about you and your brother's loss.
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