Kai breeders in Japan

edited August 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
hello hello! i am a new member, however i have been silently stalking these forums for a while but have just now joined as it gets closer to when i can finally get my Kais. im interested in getting one or two from Japan, but am unfamiliar with breeders there and i havnt had any luck googling. calling the Kai Ken Aigokai is on my to-do list for getting my puppy, but i was first wondering if there are any really good kennels that i should consider, since there are people here with first-hand experience with japanese breeders. the language part seems tricky for me as well...

what im looking for: male and female (with breeding rights - i would love to breed in the future after i take my classes on the subject of dog breeding) that fits the Aigokai standards with good drives and temperament. i would love to go over there myself to pick up the pups, but am unsure, as i do not speak japanese and im not sure how that would work, so i would probably need to ship them... so if you are up to it, i would love some first-hand stories of what you did to get your puppy from Japan (i already read the sticky about importing your dogs, which was helpful, but i think a step-by-step with one scenario per person would be more helpful, the sticky kinda covered multiple different ways, so it was a tad confusing as to which method was better)

thanks so much for all of your help, in advanced! im very excited to get my kais, in the meantime, im looking through all the puppy posts looking at all your gorgeous dogs! nothing like a pic spam thread to keep you occupied ;)


  • edited August 2011
    I don't know any breeders in Japan, but there's few members her who can help you.

    This stickied thread might be helpful in the meantime while you wait.

    I don't know Japanese either I've been listening to a CD and it's helping some hope to take classes some day I'd love to take a trip to Japan to see the sites and some Nihon ken.

    Good luck with your search be sure to do plenty of research.
  • edited August 2011
    double post - oops!
  • How did you become interested in kai ken?
  • Here is a link to Tenro Kensha: http://kaiken-okabe.cocolog-nifty.com/

    That is the kennel Akashi came from.

  • aykayk
    edited August 2011
    I was scrolling through Tenro's blog. http://kaiken-okabe.cocolog-nifty.com/kaiken/

    Very nice dogs there. :-)

    I think this is their website?
  • @brada1878 Gin is from Tenro Kensha right?
  • edited August 2011
    @jujee - Yes, Gin, Musashi, Akashi, Ame, Kuma, and Riki (Kyuubi's sire) are all from Tenro Kensha. As is Sakura, Akashi's and Ame's dam (their sire is from a different kennel).

    Kuma is the akatora pup Shigs posted in a thread awhile back.

  • Oh I remember Kuma! His coat was very pretty even at such a young age!
  • I noticed Musashi is for sale...
  • haha... yep, he is. I think Okabe-san quoted me $10k for him when I was visiting (I think he was partly joking).

  • Too bad Musashi doesn't like you! lol
  • lol! good point!
  • Dang I sure miss Ame chan. I seriously visit that site like twice a week.
  • I have always been interested in Japanese breeds, but really only interacted with the more common breeds, like Akitas and shibas. I recently began looking through different breeds of dogs well suited for me, as I would like to get another dog when I move to a bigger house and lot next year. In my searches, I came across first the Shikoku, which in turn led me to the kais. Their brindle color (my favorite) and that unique Japanese breed appearance got me doing more research on the kais, and what I found was the perfect match for me! 
    I love the temperament, the characteristics as well as the drives (I love a good working dog). 

    The breed community is a plus. those who own, breed, or just the enthusiasts are such a unique mix of generous, helpful and kind, so different from many other breed group forums...i guess I've just been drawn into the world of Nihon Ken, especially Kai!

    Thank you all for posting kennels! That should keep me busy tonight =) do keep suggestions comings!
  • Here's Kouyou Kensha, Shigeru sent this to me awhile back when I was sourcing pics for the reg app. This is the kennel that has Nio's grandsire and granddam...


  • This girl really reminds me of Nio. :-)


  • Nio has the fiercest eyes of any Kai I've ever seen pics of.
  • Wow, this is awesome.
  • hey Brad, is Ayu one that you bred or did you get her from a different breeder? she is one of the prettiest Kai i have seen! i like the golden brindles more than the dark brindles...
  • He hasn't bred Ayu yet, just Haru and Kumi. She's from Inoue-san's kennel.
  • A certain some one had a litter of kai pups recently.
  • Whooohooo go Kumi-bear! :) Haru should be up again soon! Can't wait to see some of Kyuubi's half siblings :D!
  • @Okiron i meant is she a dog he bred, from his own stock, not if shes been bred, as in having puppies =P but you answered my question anyways.. anybody have good info on his kennel? i just love Ayu's color, so gorgeous! she looks like shes got a good personality as well from the pictures =)

    and congrats on Kumi's birth! i bet the pups are just beautiful!
  • @Jaymie - Are you asking for "good info" on our (Yamabushi) kennel or Inoue-san's kennel?

    Here is a thread about our dogs from Inoue-san's kennel: http://www.nihonken.org/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/6545/our-kai-ken-from-sai-no-kuni-inoue-sou-kennel/

    He doesn't have a website.

    As for our kennel, the owners of pups from Haru's litter are all members here, so I would suggest asking them about their pups and their experience with us. Might get more information if you ask in private tho.

  • Lol I am totally waiting for the day when someone joins and their first post is "does anyone have any experience with yamabushi kennel? they look sketchy"
  • I own a Yamabushi pup and I've been contacted a couple of times about my experiences. No problems here! Anyone is welcome to contact me.
  • @Brada1878 i was asking about Inoue-san's. i have already looked over your website and ive looked at the puppies you produce and ive been around here enough (i browsed for a while before joining) to see that the new owners of your puppies are happy with their new dog. i would love to get a pup from you in the future if im so lucky to get the chance =D

    thank you for the link to your Inoue-san pups =)
  • I've met the Yamabushi Kais. Id take a pup from any of them. Honestly I see no need in importing when you can get one of Brad's
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