HIMIKO!!!!!!!!(new cute picture 4/11/09)



  • edited November -1
    Good to hear! I'm glad she is doing well.

    Shikoku seem to be finicky eaters, sound pretty normal to me - so I wouldn't stress about the 2 meal a day thing.
  • edited November -1

    Thats so great to hear that shes doing good Jess! Im suprised shes only 10 lbs. Kangai is 11 weeks old and is 15lbs and I thought that Shikokus are bigger than Hokkaidos. Do you now how big shes going to get?

  • edited November -1
    Im glad everything is well with Himiko!!!  Post pics! Post pics!!!
  • edited November -1
    Great news! Yeah, they do grow out of nowhere! Kuma does the same thing, it's a pain to get him to eat, and he never eats as much a day as he's supposed to (by the food instructions, of course) and he still grows like crazy. I think your vet might just be right!
  • edited November -1
    There are others who can answer this better than I but as I understand it 40lbs is an average for a female Shikoku (although I secretly hope she is a little bigger)
    *Brad-Kris- Perhaps you guys can answer this...

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • edited November -1
    Mike is Tenji and Ronan's dad.  Isn't he Miko's dad too?  Both Tenji and Ronan are small for male Shikokus at 36 pounds.
  • edited November -1

    I know Peggy's Sweety seemed to be on the smaller side (especially next to TK, the father). I would guess that Sweety only weighed about 35 lbs or so. Kuma looks to be her size right now at 8 mos (weighs about 33 lbs now). I am guessing that Kuma will be 37-40 lbs or so when done growing. I did measure him and he is 19.25 inches now, the standard says a male should be 52 cm =/- 3 cm, which equates to a range of 19.6 to 22 inches at the shoulder). So I think that we will be within standard, but on the shorter side (and then assuming on the lighter side too).

    For females, the low end of "in standard" height is 17.2 in, whereas average is 18.4 in. From what I can see, the standard doesn't have a weight. So I would guess that most females are in the mid-30 lb to right at 40 lb. I think I remember Brad saying that Ahi is pretty tall (just at the top of standad?)

    DDowdermers - how tall is Tenji?

  • edited November -1
    Hm, Yana didn't look like she could have weighed more than 30-35 lbs, which is about how much we are expecting Kitsune to weigh full grown, but I guess we'll see.

    Glad Miko is healthy and that she handled the trip to the vet well! Kitsu is a fussy eater too, though she's getting better. Quite a contrast to the Elkhound, who wolfs the entire bowl of kibble in under a minute. It does seem like more puppy poo comes out than puppy food goes in...
  • edited May 2008
  • edited November -1
    Yay!!!!! Miko spam. I love it!! Especially the last pic.
  • edited November -1
    She's really pretty Jessica... I think you guys may have gotten a pup from the best breeding yet.

    She has that ridiculously long Shikoku tongue too... lol.

    Jen said "Piggy looks so vicious"... lol.
  • edited November -1
    Great pics Jess! She is so adorable! Looks like Miko and Jay are really bonding now!
  • edited November -1
    Jay is the center of Mikos universe. I am so the runner up (which is exactly how I wanted it, especially after Jay losing Bunny).

    Brad-doesn't she look like a killer!!! That is why I alway kind of laugh when people recoil in fear. For gods sake she is a short stout dogs that snorts and smiles. It is like being afraid of a fat little kid.
  • edited November -1
    That tongue is LONG!!! Shikokus are the Gene Simmons of dogs! She looks so tiny on Jay, she's very cute!
  • edited November -1
    It's funny. He is just so big that everything looks little next to him. I have had people say "Wow! I thought you were so little" When they have only seen pictures of us, but I am nearly 5'8". He is just a giant.
  • edited November -1
    That last picture is so sweet. Hope she has fun on her playdate with Mura!
  • edited November -1
    we postponed the playdate to next week. I am kinda sick and its raining. I promise I will take pictures and maybe some video.
  • edited November -1
    Get well soon then!
    And I know what you mean about the relative size. Nat is 5'10", so not small. But next to me it all gets relative, and I'm not even as tall as Jay, I'm 6'2".
  • edited November -1
    Jay, take care of Jessica!!!
  • edited November -1
    i just want to squeeze miss piggy's face and kiss it!!! i love her collar too - what kind is it?
  • edited November -1
    The collar comes from BigDogBoutique.com
  • edited November -1
    just some cute ones for fun
    she is such a ham
  • edited November -1
    What a cutie! And what a huge tongue!
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, Katja says she was sired by Mike, I think Gene Simmons snuck in there...
  • edited November -1
    Being Gene Simmons, you might be right...
  • edited November -1
    She looks great! She's really cute... she is starting to darken a little too.

  • edited November -1
    oh my is she precious!! She has really grown!
  • edited November -1
    awww gorgeous as always :)
  • edited November -1
    What a cutie!!!
  • edited November -1
    Very cute! She's such a beautiful girl. :-)

    BTW, I have the same patio furniture.
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