Shiba Inu Names

now that we've put down our deposit. we're trying to decide on names.

what are your shibas named and why? did you pick a random name? or did you pick a name to suit your dog? or did your shiba pick its own name and make you think you picked it?


  • edited November -1
    My grandma's shiba was named Momo, short for Momoko (named after her mother). Mine was named Gen, short for Genzaburo (named after my great-grandpa). My aunt's was named Musashi after Miyamoto Musashi - All 3 dogs came before their names and each one of suited the dog.
  • edited July 2008
    We named all three of our shibas Japanese names out of respect and homage to their breed's heritage.

    Tsuki means moon, a good friend of ours from Japan calls her Tsuki no Hikari which we are told means Light of the Moon because her beautiful shiny personality is just bursting with love all the time.

    Kitsune is Japanese for fox because I can't think of a better description for him, he looks JUST like a fox to me!!!

    Hachi was going to be named Ichigo, because it's the strawberry cousin in Katamari Damacy (ps2 game) and it just sounds like a great term of endearment, but we went with Hachi Mitsu which to us means Honey bee because her black and tan markings make her look like a cute little honey bee.
  • edited November -1
    Only considered Japanese names. We picked "Koji" for our male Shiba. Three reasons: 1) We liked the name, 2) short and simple to pronounce, and 3) the meaning fit. Koji means "happy second son", second after our one boy.
  • edited November -1
    We picked Kieko (blessing) after we had back luck with two litters (the first litter dies of Parvo - the name of the puppy was biscuit, and we were going to keep that... )

    Keiko is our little blessing... even if she's a terror 80% of the time lol. Plus we wanted to try to find something that did pay homage to her breed history.
  • edited November -1
    For a while I was contemplating either Hattori Hanzo or Sasaki Kojiro instead of Michelangelo. My two previous akitas were Galileo and Mona Lisa
  • edited November -1
    I named Toby cause I liked the name? :D There wasn't much thought behind it. I thought it sounded cute, and went with it.
  • edited November -1
    I decided to give Mylie a hand in choosing her name, we named off a bunch of names for about 20 minutes before she barked at us, and landed with the name Mylie... I know it was completely random and she really doesn't care what we call her, but we had fun in the process and let's just say I'm thankful she didn't respond to some of the other suggestions. Most of the time we call her Mylie Monster... It's cute and fits her well.
  • edited November -1
    dawn and i just decided on a name Katsu as in Ton-Katsu or that japanese dish, deep fried breaded pork cutlet. now if any of you have ever eaten tonkatsu, it has an underlying whiteness (urajiro) covered by a layer of golden brown panko. since i always think with my stomach, it's only logical that i see food when i look at a shiba. let us know what you think.

    dawn and joe
  • edited November -1
    I love that dish
  • edited November -1
    Katsu sounds great to me!
  • edited November -1
    Ton Katsu is delish~ Although, Katsu, as a name - means Victorious! Great choice! Im sure the little monster will live up to that!

    We named Portia after Porsche - Since she is a boxer and it sounds similiar to boxster - that is how she became our Portia Boxer :).

    It took a bit longer for us to give Ninja a name. About 4 days. We just couldn't think of anything that matched him. Then one night we were like "hey where's the puppy?" and he was right there...and my boyfriend was like "he's like a Ninja!" and then we looked at eachother and said "NINJA!" He is starting to live up to that name...which is a little scary for me!
  • edited November -1
    I think that is a great name! Also very funny. You will see a couple threads about a dog that was named "Porkchop". He was an akita puppy at my shelter that Barbara (Sujewel) was wonderful enough to foster until he went to his forever home. He ended up becoming Koji but I LOVE that we have had to pork product Akita puppies in the Nihon Ken family.
  • edited November -1
    My boyfriend named our puppy Shinra. This is the name of the evil corporation in the Final Fantasy games. I am not a gamer so I don''t get it but I think the name suits him as he can be a evil brat at times. :) I secretly wanted to name him Shogun.
  • edited November -1
    My story : I got my dog at the mall, I hear it the worst place to get a dog from he was there and my girlfriend found him and she like him so i had to get him. I have been searching for a shiba inu for months!! so I got him at the mall and the mall was called tyler mall in riverside. so long story short my shiba inu is name tyler!!! one of kind dog name hahah!!!
  • edited November -1
    Well this is how it went, me and my bf were looking at pictures of shiba puppies on the internet and I said" Oh what a cute little fur face!" and so when we decided to finally get a shiba he remined me of what I had said so we named our shiba FurFace! It gets alot of laughs.
  • edited November -1
    thanks romi, i like the name even better now. if we limited register him his akc name could be Victorious Panko Breaded Porkchop.
  • edited November -1
    My little terror is named Orion after the constilation Orion the hunter...I am an astronomy buff and wanted to name him after something astronomical...and being a hunter i thought it fit.
  • edited November -1
    Shimaura - I LOVE the AKC name :o) We actually registered Keiko as 'Keiko, Destroyer of Worlds' (partially stolen from the name of a sword in a video game hehe). I think we're going to register our Dachshund as 'Belle, Eater of Souls'.
  • edited November -1
    i'm sure those names are fiting when your shibas show teeth, i think that suprised me the most, that such a little dog could have such big teeth.
  • edited November -1
    That is so funny because my chinchilla is Yaphet Koto destroyer of souls. Ah well I guess he can destroy them and then Belle could eat them.
  • edited November -1
    Arthemeties - Shinra is my 7-yeard old Iguana's name :D Though I don't remember why I picked Shinra at the time, I guess I was just obsessing on that game...~
  • edited November -1
    Sky's dads name was Hibiki, I taught it was such a pretty name for the breed
  • edited November -1
    well I wanted to give roxy a Japanese name but my parents didn't want to so we finally desided on roxy because my mom said oh she looks like a fox... oh foxy toxie roxy because the father of roxy had a name and it was like hotsy totsy ( and then his name which I don't Remeber ). ya it's weird I know
  • edited November -1
    my shiba name is Mui Mui. She got that name coz my GF likes it.
  • edited November -1
    Leo is my little mans name...i liked it because its short,my star sign also, my parner didn't like the name leo so we tried to think of others but leo still stuck with me,i thought ill get my way, so the day came my shiba arrived i took one look at him and thought ITS A LEO gotta be...then i looked at his certificate and his registered name was vousami Leo closed i got my wish...what a coincidence that was!!!
  • edited November -1
    Jazz got her name because she came to me at 4 years and her name was I'm Jazi. I love Jazz music, so I just slightly modified it. Fletch's name comes from Fletcher Henderson, a jazz musician.
  • edited November -1
    Our Mochi came to us at 11 months. She was called Tenshi (angel) but I had promised my son he could name the new dog. He loves the sweet rice dessert served at Japanese restaurant called mochi so that is what he decided. In any case she is not really a tenshi at all....she is more like a smart little demon. Sometimes she can be sweet and we all love her so much we could eat her up. It took her about one dog treat to answer to her new name.
  • edited November -1
    Mine is named Tojo after the heartless dictator.
  • edited November -1
    We got the name Niko after much searching of Japanese names. Niko means above the law and cat like, which fits everything we have read about the shiba's. She is DEFIANTLY above the law, but not so cat like other than clean.
  • edited November -1
    Haha Tojo... great name. People over here would either break out laughing or find it very offensive, either way, good for giggles.
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