The Funniest Things Your Neighbors Have Overheard You Say to Your Dog(s)

edited January 2009 in General
It after midnight and Tosca has to go out. She hadn't peed or pooed when I had taken her out previously so she had a time-out in her crate. We're in the midst of an ice storm her in CT, so I wasn't going to wander the yard because she won't go during rain or freezing rain; snow, however, is fine. We're under the deck outside my door and she begins to examine the doorstep. I say, loudly:

"If you shit on my welcome mat, it's on! OK?"

Then I hear laughter. I look around the corner and my neighbor is looking out her door. She works for a school, so she keeps an eye on the weather in case she'll have to wake up early to clear her driveway or something. She smiled and then said "Dogs are great, aren't they?"

I know we all say odd things to our dogs. I'm not alone in being overheard either, so what was you best "It's a dog-person thing," moment. I've had a few more, but I'll give you all a chance.


  • edited November -1
    "Ok brat... if you won't walk I'll carry you, but at the VERY NEXT patch of grass... you're on your own!!!" - yes this happens all too often.

    Or.... "Good poop Keiko!!!! Good Girl!!! Yay Keiko!!!!!" - followed by a treat... /sigh

    As you can tell potty is a daily struggle for us lol :o)
  • edited January 2009
    "That's a big boy Ike!"

    "What a good poo-poo!"

    "Are you nibbling your little sister again? Naughty boy!"

    "Stop licking your brother's wee wee."

    What my neighbors must think of me.
  • edited January 2009
    Hehe. Not my neighbor, but my coworker... I work at a doggy daycare and boarding facility and we currently have a boarder until July or later, so I try to give Sam a little more love than the rest of the daycare campers or 3-nighters. I was rolling around and cuddling with Sam one morning in her kennel and doing some pretty extreme baby talk for a very long time before my coworker made his presence known.
    I was pretty embarrassed but also a little tiffed that he watched me goof around for so long like an idiot. Oh well, Sam got the love that she needed.
  • edited November -1
    "Miso, it's -2 on the beach just take a dump here!"

    "Sake, stop humping your brother...licking his junk isn't any better!"

    "Listen you psycho little dogs, take a crap so I can go back to bed!"
  • edited November -1
    "Lucy, you're flirting with an ass kicking right now."

    And waaaaay more embarrassing than that:

    "Awwww, Lucy, you kiss me with that tongue!" (said after she ate something nasty outside)
  • edited November -1
    Dave, that has serious potential!
  • edited November -1
    nice, dave, real nice :))

    I'm not sure we've said anything worth hearing, other than congrats for deucing or my hub's famous way to keep count of who did what on a walk "5 down, one to go - we're just waiting on your twosie Hachi". Because, you see, when we got to 3 or 4 dogs per walk, keeping count was vital and each function became a one up for John.

    And recently we were at the state park and Tsuki found and rolled on a dead crow and John yelled "Tsuki! You just brought some bad juju on us all!" but I don't think anyone heard him.. but someone did hear him when we were almost back to the car and we saw a few crows flying - he looked up and said to her "they know...".
  • edited November -1
    This is a funny thread!! I am trying to think of things I have said to Kirby.......
  • edited November -1
    I always say stupid things to my dog, unsure if people have overheard me, though. ;)

    Though, I always yell "Toby, go poopies!" or "Toby go potty!" and I complained a lot when I had to take him outside in freezing weather when he was younger. My words were very colourful. ;)
  • edited November -1
    It wasn't the neighbors, I brought Sachi to a friends apartment so they could dog sit, as I was leaving she tried to bolt out of the door behind me. I pinned her against the railing, pointed at her and said "Ha! I squish you, dog!" They started laughing and now they think I'm weird for referring to her as "dog' when she doesn't listen or when she is being naughty.
  • edited November -1
    "Get that s**t out of your mouth" -after raiding the litter box

    "Come on, he doesn't need you to chew on that" -Tikaani has a habit of grabbing a random body part of Tetsu's, and shaking him like a stuffed animal

    "Way to go dog, that's what you get when you make a puddle" -not a piddle puddle, but the muddy kind you get when the dogs come in from the rain. Let them in and they just bolt across the kitchen to the living room and back. Puppy paws, linoleum floors and wet spots equals a lot of falling onto the floor and sliding into the oven
  • edited November -1
    My neighbors just wondered why I was talking to an invisible dog. Pft. They don't understand me!

    ;) ~
  • edited November -1
    Osy, I don't think I understand you either. I sympathize with you, but I don't think I quite understand you.

  • edited November -1

    That would be a sight to see though! haha ~
  • edited November -1
    Im sure your neighbors would think you training your birds was pretty funny Osy!

    Have you ever said anything to your birds/iguana that your family overheard and thought was funny?
  • edited January 2009
    Ah, no, not really, they know I'm insane as it is. ;) I talk to the birds & iguana all the time :)

    "Gackt! Leave Lulu alone, he does NOT love you!" or "Sephiroth, Misa is HALF your age, you pedophile!" or "STOP FIGHTING! Don't make me come over there!"

    They also get "Bless you's" when they sneeze. lol

    Nothing special though...but I've caught the family secretly talking to them too. Maybe we're all just a little crazy. lol ~
  • edited November -1
    "You know you can't go there. Why do you always want to go there? C'mon, hurry it up, the crazy guy is watching you poop on his lawn again". ...heard by the crazy guy watching her poop (also happens to be my ex-sister-in-law's new husband/next-door neighbor - I call him crazy 'cause he's a Gator fan).
  • edited November -1
    "Copper stop humping...Beatle or Naiya or Takara or Meiko"
    Takara stop humping Meiko"
    "Beatle, Copper, Meiko, Takara do NOT eat the puppy"
    At 4 a.m. when I get up..."Copper..drop it, you are not bringing that poppy inside"

    And of course...I am sure they have heard the wonderful screams and yells from inside the house. Siiigghhh....we have such mouthy Shibas, I am surprised our new neighbors haven't commented.
  • edited November -1
    "Get your nose out of my butt, you contemptible knave!"

    Navi likes to sniff my butt when I bend over.
  • edited November -1
    I had to bring this thread back to share this gem with you.

    I started giving Tosca a bully stick when she's in her crate and, thankfully, she's a lot less neurotic about it now. I do not, however, appriciate drool-covered bovine wang being left to stick to my rug, or worse, my bed. Therefore the bully stick is a crate-only treat. Tosca doesn't agree with the edict in the slightest and will, with the greatest of stealth, sneak into her crate, retrieve the bully stick, and I'll find her in the living room some time later blissfully chewing her prize. This evening I caught her trying to liberate her snack and yelled:

    "No! I don't want soggy bull penis on my floor!"

    My parents must've heard me because I could here my mother laughing without even going upstairs.
  • edited November -1
    ha ha!
  • edited November -1
    ah yes, the soggy steer pizzle and its delightful aroma wafting from your couch.

    love these crazy dogs.
  • edited November -1

    Could be worse, she could be trying to take it to the bed.
  • edited November -1
    Jack likes to toss his bully sticks around the kitchen. Lovely.
  • edited November -1
    "Go on Mercutio, go get my ball!"

    "Sit, sit, sit, sit," As he completely ignores me infront of other people.
  • edited November -1
    "Ichi! Come! What? You need to think about it? Seriuosly? Why are you still thinking about it? What is wrong with you?...friggin dog."

  • edited November -1
    this happened yesterday at petsmart with roxy, " No roxy you can't have the hamsters"*as she is wimpering trying to get the hamsters in the glass cases* the 5 sec later "no roxy you can't eat the birds ethier" people just looked at me funny.... oh and I heard 2 new calling a shiba something completely wrong yesterday as well, "look daddy it's a wolf fox" then once in the store " look it's a fox cat!" I lmao at that one foxcat wow I mean really not even the k-9 spieces lol.
  • edited November -1
    Foxcat!! Classic!
  • edited November -1
    I like Shoobie Uni best!
  • edited November -1
    "just because you can't beat him up doesn't mean you can lick that"
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