Ichi spam Updated Pics (3/21/09)

edited December 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Here's some pictures of Ichi at the dog park today. He did great and tolerated most of the dogs. He's been there about 8 times but shows no interest in playing with them. The one good thing is that he actually comes to me when I call him.


  • edited December 2008
    And to be fair, he wasn't the only Shiba at the park:)

    Here's Nobu and Delilah doing what they normally do when they see each other :P
  • edited November -1
    Nice pic of the shiba play-fight in action Jesse. Hope to see you and Ichi at the dog park next week.
  • edited November -1
    Ichi is so cute!
  • edited November -1
    Hey Brian,
    I had more pictures of them going at it and I sent it to you guys via e-mail. I'll leave it to you and Kyle to post your own Nobu/Delilah spam! See you next week.

  • edited November -1
    Graph pictures! Looks like Ichi likes to play with people at least. :-)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Cute cute cute!!! Love the Ichi spam :)
  • edited November -1
    Ummm...not exactly. He sniffs them, but if they make a move to reach out to pet Ichi, he'll back up, snark his muzzle and bark, and do that play bow you are seeing.

  • edited November -1
    can't you just FEEL the puppy energy in these pics? LOL! Very cute!
  • edited November -1
    Aw, looks like a fun day was had by all. Ichi is very cute.

    That pic of Nobu and Delilah is pretty cool too.
  • edited January 2009
    Hand me the keys...I'll drive to the dog park. Just so I can sun myself...forget socializing.
  • edited November -1
    I love the captioning.
  • edited November -1
    Ha Ha! Great pics, and a dog after my own heart! What I wouldn't give to be sunning myself now --- we are expecting temperatures at more than 20 degrees BELOW zero tonight in MN, and not even getting above zero degrees during the day tomorrow!

    Thanks for sharing the pics of beautiful doggie in a beautiful place!
  • edited November -1
    Ichi is such a little stud! ~
  • edited January 2009
    I'm so glad I came across this thread, haha. I love Ichi! I've always thought he looks like Mika's long lost brother. I think you mentioned earlier how they look to be from the same litter. Nevertheless, I'm adding a pic of Mika so people can see how similar they really do look. I don't intend to steal your thread, only hopefully enhance it, haha. Great pics! Keep them coming.

    Compare these pics of Mika to these pics of Ichi. I hope you don't mind, I reposted the pics for a side-by-side comparison. Their faces are so similar...at least IMO. What do you think, Jesse?

    Mika looking noble

    Ichi (Jesse AKA Crimson02's Shiba Inu)

    Mika under the table

    Ichi laying down (Jesse AKA Crimson02's Shiba Inu)
  • edited November -1
    Hey Nathan,
    You should've seen Ichi's puppy pic, they looked even more similar! His mask has faded now, but yeah, that was my first reaction when I first saw Mika.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that puppy pic is eerily similar. They were both darker when they were young so they did look a lot alike. Thanks for that pic, though. It brought me back to the good ole days, haha.
  • edited January 2009
    I was just playing with our new P&S camera in video capture mode. It's not great but it's good enough. Hope you enjoy! Sorry Dave, stole from Lucy:P


  • edited November -1
    can't...view...video set..to be private
  • edited November -1
    Oops sorry about that, try now.
  • edited November -1
    LOL. Lucy doesn't mind. She likes having company when she waves. :-)
  • edited November -1
    ridiculously cute!!!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Hey Dave,
    Luckily for me...Ichi likes to lick me in a spot where there already is no hair :P

  • edited November -1
    Kuma has a thing for feet too!

    It would probably be kind of weird if you had hair there :-P
  • edited November -1
    lol! He has a foot fetish. :) ~
  • edited November -1
    Mookie loves licking toes! We don't mind it, but it's kind of embarrassing when company comes over :P
  • edited November -1
    What a sweet Baby!!!
  • edited November -1
    Ichi is getting so big! He is an adorable little man though!

    Miso has an elbow fetish...
  • edited November -1
    Super cute! Love the waves. :)
  • edited November -1
    I love that show your watching in the background dogs 101 all they need to do is have the shiba on there then I'd be really happy
  • edited November -1
    Hey Alex,
    I'm actually DVR-ing it and waiting for the day they do put the Shiba Inu on there. I'll be interested to hear what they say about the breed.

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