I'm back :)



  • edited November -1
    Awww...he is adorable!!!
  • edited January 2009
    No he is coming to Poland :) sorry.
    Yes Fujin probably is for "God of Wind" but japanese breeder has explained it a little different:

    ""Fuujin" means "the god of wind". I cannot explain well. The sound of "Fuujin" is the same ,but the
    Kanji of Fuujin -"the god of wind"- is different."

    And of course more Fujin pictures (he is alone becouse the rest of his brothers were given to the new owners) - on the last picture is Fujin brother with his new pack in Japan
  • edited November -1
    he's so cute, I want one but he'd get too big for me cause I'm going to college soon and all that fun stuff so we're holding off on getting another dog atleast til I know where I'm going then depending one where I go we may get another shiba a black and tan one probably since my dad who is agianst getting another animal and didn't want us to get roxy, said that the little black and tan ones were cute! that is such an accomplishment for me to get him to admit that he does like them..... he loves roxy for 2 reasons. one she is so well tempered and two she reminds him of his chow he used to have lol... well good luck with fujin
  • edited November -1
    wow! Please keep posting pictures as Fujin grows up!! They are all adorable! I have never seen any Hokkaidos in real life, not even when I still lived in Europe.
  • edited November -1
    Hokkaido are so adorable. :) Someday, somedaaay.

    Congrats, and good luck when Fujin arrives!
  • edited November -1
    Wow, those are cool dogs-is that a red Hokka, too?
  • edited March 2009
    Only 15 days to great arrival :) Thanks to our friend from Japan, Fujin have run the bear test (I didn't know that so young dogs could participate). Take a look:
  • edited November -1
    Bear Test? Like a real bear? Yikes!

    Fujin is so cute!
  • edited November -1
    Robert, if you or Ewa are ever missing hokkas...it wasn't me, I promise :D
  • edited November -1
    :) I will build bigger fences :) There will be probably more hokkas with us this year - becouse JaJa is in heat, and we made decission to try mate her with Kiba. We will see in the next 30 days if she will be pregnant.

    Anyway, I almost forgot Mrs. Sakata has made a Fujin's blog with more pictures and movies:


    Sory blog is in japanese :(
  • edited November -1
    I can't wait! Fujin is so adorable! And wow, they must keep bears as "pets" for this test???

    I hope the mating goes well with Jaja and Kiba and that she will have beautiful puppies soon!
  • edited November -1
    Good luck with the mating! And wow, Fujin is adorable curled up in the bike basket! :)
  • edited November -1
    Awesome bear test pics. I wonder how Fujin did! He looks interested.

    Best of luck with Jaja and Kiba! I would love to have one of their offspring - a distant dream I guess!
  • edited November -1
    Aw, little Fuji in a basket is beyond cute! Makes me long for summer and bike rides along the lakefront.

    I wish my Shiba was not so afraid of bikes, among many other issues he has... Maybe this summer will be the time we get him over that, with lots of trips to the city dog parks and beaches north of the city.
  • edited November -1
    I'm not sure if I missed this but... What's the bear test?
  • edited November -1
    Ooo good luck with the mating!
  • edited November -1
    Hokkaido inu is an ancient hunting breed. This dog were breed for thousands of years to only one main puropse. To hunt big game (mainly bears). Hokkaido inu are know as a very brave, strong breed. Breeders from Japan are developing this breed mainly for their character and behaviour. So all dogs must take a so called "Bear test". There is live animal (bear or boar) in well protected cage. Arround the cage several rings are painted on the earth.

    An owner with a dog on the leash are approaching to the cage. Jugdes are observing the dog behaviour. How fast he is approaching to the bear, in what style (fast, courious), what sounds he makes, etc.

    Fujin has made one fault - he was silent, without barking or howling.
  • edited November -1
    Beautiful pups....Love the bear test photos.
  • edited November -1
    I love the pictures in the bike basket.
  • edited November -1
    What precious pics!!
  • edited November -1
    Fujin is a very handsome little man!
    And a courageous one too!
  • edited November -1
    soooooooooooooo cute!!!!
    reminds me of the cute hokkaido-ken they used for Softbank(a telecommunications company) here in Japan, Softbank is my carrier, so i asked if i could get a free dog with my new phone, they gave me a folder instead x)


  • edited November -1
    Fujin is so cute. It must be so hard to wait to get the little fur ball. We look forward to more pictures.
  • edited March 2009
    Only one week left :) Fujin will arrive on 19.03 - next thursday :)

    Time for new pictures
  • edited November -1
    How exciting.
  • edited November -1
    So bloomin' cute!
  • edited November -1
    You must be really exciting ! ! !
  • edited November -1
    Wow! You must be so excited!!! Fujin is very cute and looks very playful!
  • edited November -1
    Awww! ~
  • edited November -1
    Ha, Fujin is with us!! :) After 17 hours of travel he has landed in Warsaw, this time all customs take only 40 mins :) Amandil was so excited with new dog in house that he has peeied on my pants :)

    Kiba and JaJa are chasing Fujin all around our house, he seems to be calm and steady dog, he started to play with them. Strage to me he is very silent as for hokkaido - I didnt hear any howls or barking.
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